2020 News Articles


2020 News Article

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December 23, 2020

Shark Bites December 2020

#SharkBites: As we look forward to the New Year, we salute the HPU 'Ohana's accomplishments and achievements in 2020.

December 09, 2020

Student Messages: COVID-19 Updates

Check Back Here Regularly for the Latest Updates

Hazel Downing with Teacher of the Year plaque
December 08, 2020

Nursing Professor Named 2020 Teacher of the Year

Associate Professor of Nursing Hazel Downing, RN, MN, Ed.D., is the 2020 HPU Teacher of the Year.

Harm-Jan Steenhuis headshot
December 08, 2020

International Business Professor Invited to Participate in US Department of State Meeting of Experts

Harm-Jan Steenhuis, Ph.D., College of Business Associate Dean and Professor of Management, International Business, participated in the virtual two-day meeting organized by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

Adam Burke and HPU and USF Galapagos students on Zoom
December 08, 2020

Graduate Sustainability Students Collaborate with Environmental Communication Students in Galapagos

The HPU students, partnering with USF Galapagos campus students, analyzed management approaches to key sustainability issues in Hawaii and Galapagos.

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November 30, 2020

Shark Bites November 2020

#SharkBites: We're rounding out the month of giving thanks with some of our favorite November events! We're thankful for our 'ohana who have created such a strong sense of community during these socially distanced times.

Wong headshot
November 30, 2020

Undergraduate Valedictory Speaker Named for Fall 2020 Commencement Ceremony

Vanessa Wong named Fall 2020 Undergraduate Valedictory Speaker

Harrington headshot
November 30, 2020

Graduate Valedictory Speaker Named for Fall 2020 Commencement Ceremony

Anita Harrington named Fall 2020 Graduate Valedictory Speaker

CNCS lock up image
November 24, 2020

Where Are They Now? Four Alumni Nancy Foster Scholarship Recipients

The NOAA scholarship program allows graduate marine science students to undertake applied research.

CLA lockup image
November 24, 2020

HPU’s Inaugural Class of Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) Students Started the Rigorous Course of Study This Fall

The ŷAƬ Is Accepting Applications for the Next PsyD Program Cohort

November 24, 2020

Student Messages: COVID-19 Updates

Check Back Here Regularly for the Latest Updates

Ghazwan Hassna virtually presenting to Rotary Club
November 17, 2020

Information Systems Faculty Member Presents on ‘Big Data and Analytics’

Ghazwan Hassna, Ph.D., was invited as a featured speaker to the Rotary Club of Metropolitan Honolulu.

Larry Rowland and workshop students
November 10, 2020

College of Business Co-sponsors Virtual Project Management Exam Preparation Workshop

Associate Professor Larry Rowland, Ed.D., PMP, led this workshop in conjunction with the Project Management Institute Honolulu Chapter.

David Horgen headshot
November 03, 2020

Chemistry Professor Co-publishes a Review of a Potential New Therapeutic Strategy for Treating Stroke and Similar Diseases in Adults and Newborns

David Horgen, Ph.D., and fellow scientists had their paper published in the journal Acta Pharmalogica Sinica.

October 30, 2020

Student Messages: COVID-19 Updates

Check Back Here Regularly for the Latest Updates

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October 30, 2020

Shark Bites October 2020

#SharkBites: This month, we marked the start of our fall 8B semester, President Gotanda hosted a virtual talk story session about the supreme court with a professor from Villanova ŷAƬ, and we had faculty members called upon for media commentary regarding the 2020 election! Check out the roundup for all of our favorite highlights!

Gary Karr headshot and photo of shrimp in tank
October 27, 2020

Science Outreach Director Serves As a Panelist on Aquaculture Webinar

HPU's Gary Karr joined representatives from NOAA and Waianae High School Marine Science Learning Center to present a webinar in celebration of Seafood Month.

social work
October 22, 2020

Lorraine Marais: The Heart of a Social Worker

A tribute to Lorraine Marais, former Director of the School of Social Work.

Adam Burke presenting at a 2019 symposium in the Galapagos
October 19, 2020

Faculty Member Publishes Article on Ecotourism and Sustainable Development in Galapagos

The paper of Adam Burke, Ph.D., provides a critique of Galapagos' land-sea binary, path dependency on ecotourism, economic leakage, and ways ecotourism practices dissociate Galapaguenos from marine species.

College of Business logo
October 19, 2020

Business Faculty Publish Article on Advertising and Consumer Rights Under Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act

The paper of Michelle Alarcon, J.D., and Joseph Ha, Ph.D., is published in the Journal of Applied Business Research.

October 15, 2020

School of Social Work Alumni Updates

See what the School of Social Work Alumni are doing in service of the community and the profession.

College of Health and Society logo
October 13, 2020

College of Health and Society Holds White Coat Ceremony for the Class of 2022

The September 28 ceremony was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic, including approximately 40 students and their family and friends and faculty.

Regina Ostergaard-Klem and researchers in the Galapagos-2017 workshop
October 13, 2020

Faculty Member Publishes Article on Ecosystem Resilience and Climate Change in Galapagos

Regina Ostergaard-Klem, Ph.D., recently co-authored an article, focusing on research results from an interdisciplinary workshop.

TWMU students and faculty with HPU students and faculty on Zoom
October 06, 2020

HPU and Tokyo Women’s Medical ŷAƬ (TWMU) Take Part in a Virtual Exchange Class

MSN students of Professor Patricia Burrell, PhD, and TWMU students present and dialogue on the theme, "Healthcare Policy Issues and COVID-19"

Booby bird
October 06, 2020

Marine Science Graduate Student Publishes Thesis Research, Working with Collaborators

HPU's Pelagicos Lab, working with collaborators, published the first paper from Sara Donahue's MS thesis.

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September 30, 2020

Shark Bites September 2020

September #SharkBites Roundup: This month, our HPU 'ohana announced the launch of a new student research center, participated in a virtual concert with Josh Tatofi, and helped clear two tons of ghost nets in Kailua Bay!

Vakalahi, Horgen, Mataira, Okamoto headshots
September 29, 2020

Faculty Researchers to Lead the Creation of the HPU Undergraduate Infrastructure Student Research Center

National Institutes of Health and National Institute on General Medical Sciences granted $750,000 to HPU to launch the HUISRC.

Lei Wang in INBRE Lab
September 29, 2020

HPU, Chaminade, and Windward Community College Collaborate on Research Study

Associate Professor of Chemistry Lei Wang, Ph.D., and fellow researchers' paper has been accepted for publication by the PLOS ONE journal.

Mult 3600 students in HPU Green Room STudio
September 29, 2020

Cinematic Multimedia Arts Students on the Front Line of the New Normal

Multimedia 3600 students of Associate Professor Peter Britos, Ph.D., are in class adhering to best practices for cinematic and creative crews.

First-year students at ATM during orientation
September 29, 2020

‘Going Above and Beyond,’ HPU’s Summer Guides

Nearly 80 faculty and staff volunteered to serve as Summer Guides, helping incoming first-year students.

Ngoc Phan presenting
September 21, 2020

Political Science Professor Presents at the 2020 American Political Science Association Meeting

Assistant Professor of Political Science Ngoc Phan, Ph.D., presented her paper, The Political Legacy of US Occupation on Native Hawaiian Identity

September 18, 2020

Student Messages: COVID-19 Updates

Check Back Here Regularly for the Latest Updates

Serge Marek (right) with a Maori master carver in Rotorua in 2018
September 14, 2020

Master's in Sustainability Faculty Publishes Article on Indigenous Urban Geographies

Serge Marek, Ph.D., recently published an article, which is an offshoot of his Ph.D. research and explores ways that Māōri were adapting the city to their cultural ways of life and world views.

IVE class on Sept 9 zoom meeting with DeRay Mckesson
September 14, 2020

International Vocal Ensemble (IVE) Studies The Seven Last Words of the Unarmed

Civil rights activist DeRay Mckesson joined the IVE for a discussion as they prepare for their performance.

Ken Schoolland and his book published in Thai
September 14, 2020

Economics Faculty Member's Award-Winning Book Published in Thai

The Freidrich Naumann Foundation in Bangkok published in Thai The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible by Associate Professor of Economics Ken Schoolland.

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September 01, 2020

Shark Bites August 2020

August #SharkBites roundup: We can't believe August has already come to an end! We're proud of all of our ʻohana members for making a positive mark on our community this month. Check out the highlights!

DNP candidates presentation event zoom screenshot
August 31, 2020

Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Candidates Defend Their Theses

Five DNP candidates presented their theses at a virtual event hosted by the College of Health and Society on August 14.

Jan Boivin at Waterfront Plaza
August 25, 2020

HPU Senior Vice President Selected As an Omidyar Fellow

Jan Boivin joins 15 other community leaders in Cohort VIII of the Omidyar Fellows.

Aerial shot of OI-HPU
August 25, 2020

Oceanic Institute of HPU Researcher Receives Grant to Study Shrimp Genomics

Dustin Moss, Ph.D., has been awarded a two-year $310,000 National Institute of Food and Agriculture grant.

PlayBuilders Festival 2020 event flyer
August 18, 2020

Update on a Play and a Screenplay by HPU Professor of English

The Bad Woman of Chinatown, a play by Mark Tjarks, Ph.D., will be presented at the 2020 online PlayBuilders Festival. His co-written screenplay Hard Courts was selected as a semi-finalist in the 2020 Creative Screenwriting Screenplay Competition.

thermal scanner video
August 18, 2020

Checklist Before You Come to Campus

Checklist Before You Come to Campus

August 18, 2020

Campus is Coming to Life!

Our Campus is Coming to Life!

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July 31, 2020

Shark Bites July 2020

Check out our Shark Bites highlights as we say goodbye to July & hello to August! This past month we developed a COVID-19 contact tracers’ course, hosted the Advanced Placement Summer Institute online, introduced basic Hawaiian words in one of our #VirtualHPU sessions, & installed thermal scanning kiosks throughout campus!

Facilities team and President Gotanda
July 28, 2020

Facilities Department Recognized As Ke Kaukahi Award Winner

The Facilities Department has put in place enhanced health and safety measures as HPU looks forward to welcoming our students to an in-person, on-campus Fall semester.

Melissa Matsubara and President Gotanda
July 28, 2020

Melissa Matsubara Honored As Ke Kaukahi Award Winner

Melissa Matsubara, Director of Study Abroad and International Exchange Programs, helps students have life-changing, eye-opening experiences.

Libraries staff
July 28, 2020

HPU Libraries Honored with Ke Kaukahi Award Honorable Mention

The Libraries already robust digital infrastructure made for a smooth transition during changes necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Academic Advising staff
July 28, 2020

Academic Advising Presented with Ke Kaukahi Award Honorable Mention

Academic Advising serves as a crucial nexus between students and the ŷAƬ.

Darlene Ramos
July 28, 2020

Darlene Ramos Recognized with Ke Kaukahi Award Honorable Mention

Darlene Ramos, Coordinator and Advisor, Dual-Credit Programs, consistently reaches out to see if she can help her coworkers with tasks.

Jeff Harris
July 28, 2020

Jeff Harris Presented with Ke Kaukahi Award Honorable Mention

Jeff Harris, Manager of Maintenance and Security for Oceanic Institute, works tirelessly to ensure the OI facility operates efficiently and effectively.

HPU logo-line
July 26, 2020

HPU Continues to Monitor Douglas

HPU Continues to Monitor Douglas

July 17, 2020

Student Messages: COVID-19 Updates

Check Back Here Regularly for the Latest Updates

graduate student at hpu in hawaii
July 13, 2020

$4,000 Scholarship for HPU Alumni to Pursue a Graduate-level Degree

$4,000 Scholarship for HPU Alumni to Pursue a Graduate-level Degree

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July 06, 2020

Look Closer: Breakthroughs in Aquaculture at Oceanic Institute

 Yellow tang, the top aquarium fish collected from Hawai‘i’s reefs, is also one of the world’s most popular. A series of breakthroughs in the feeding and nurturing of the fish in captivity now enables their production through aquaculture to help alleviate the stress on Hawaii’s marine ecosystem.

June 26, 2020

Student Messages: COVID-19 Updates

Check Back Here Regularly for the Latest Updates

June 17, 2020

HPU Responses to American Civil Unrest

Amid the recent events that have underscored the nation’s challenges related to racial injustice and violence, HPU’s leadership responded with communications across our ‘Ohana. Please read the following messages, first from President Gotanda on June 2, followed by a message from Provost Walsh on June 11.

Jayne Smitten in Sim Lab
June 15, 2020

Smitten, First in Hawai‘i Named a Fellow of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare Academy

Jayne Smitten, PhD, Director for HPU’s College of Health and Society Simulation Center, is among 13 individuals selected for the Class of 2020 Fellows of the SSH Academy and is one of only 73 honored globally with the SSH Academy Fellow distinction.

June 10, 2020

HPU Receives International Awards for Communications and Marketing

HPU Receives International Awards for Communications and Marketing

Yellow tang
June 09, 2020

Oceanic Institute (OI) Yellow Tang Research Strides Are Important to Protecting Our Environment

OI's research breakthrough is noted in a recent Civil Beat podcast, "Can Aquarium Fishing Be Sustainable?"

College of Natural and Computational Sciences logo
June 02, 2020

Natural Science Faculty and Alumni and Fellow Scientists Publish Research on Box Jellyfish Venom

Professors Berger and Horgen and their former students collaborated with scientists at UH and institutions in Japan.

elizabeth bay pic
June 01, 2020

Coming Together as a Community: A Q and A with Our Student Retention Specialist

Coming Together as a Community: A Q and A with Our Student Retention Specialist

davidann pic
May 27, 2020

Hawaiʻi Pacific ŷAƬ Professor Wins 2020 Kenneth W. Baldridge Prize

Hawaiʻi Pacific ŷAƬ Professor Wins 2020 Kenneth W. Baldridge Prize

Matteo Socciarelli presenting at Capstone Symposium 2020
May 26, 2020

HPU 2020 Online Capstone Symposium: An Unprecedented Accomplishment

After a few days of launching the Capstone Symposium YouTube channel, it had gathered 3,500 views from more than 900 unique viewers from across the globe.

May 26, 2020

By-the-Numbers: A Story of HPU Libraries Resources and Services

Highlighting the 2019-2020 Academic Year

Ngoc Phan headshot
May 26, 2020

Political Science Professor Presents Native Hawaiian Survey at Association’s Virtual Meeting

Ngoc Phan, Ph.D., presented her preliminary research findings at the 2020 Western Political Science Association virtual meeting.

AnnMarie Manzulli Ready to Rebound Pic
May 22, 2020

Silver Linings: A Q and A with Career Instructional Faculty Member AnnMarie Manzulli

Silver Linings: A Q and A with Career Instructional Faculty Member AnnMarie Manzulli

May 20, 2020

Student Messages: COVID-19 Updates

Check Back Here Regularly for the Latest Updates

Plastic debris on ocean shore being measured
May 20, 2020

New Microplastic Pollution Research Reporting Guidelines Released

Researchers from Hawai‘i Pacific ŷAƬ and NIST and other organizations produce easy-to-use documents for scientists

Screenshot winning editing project-skid
May 12, 2020

Announcing the HPU 2020 First Look Mixed-Media Festival Award Winners

The program held simultaneously on ZOOM, Facebook Live, and Facebook Watch Party was screened fully online.

Trustee Takaki
May 12, 2020

HPU Board Member Receives Japan’s Order of the Rising Sun

HPU Board Member Receives Japan’s Order of the Rising Sun

Chez Neilson with her son
May 04, 2020

Staying Engaged with Students Virtually: A Q and A with the Assistant Director of Student Activities

Chez Neilson said she looks forward to resuming in-person campus activities.

Spring 2020 MA TESOL graduates
May 04, 2020

MA TESOL Graduates Present Their Capstone Portfolios and Theses at a Virtual Celebration

The Friday, May 1, event also recognized graduating BA TESOL and TESOL Certificate students.

May 05, 2020

Student Messages: COVID-19 Updates

Check Back Here Regularly for the Latest Updates

Anelianne Recinto
April 28, 2020

Acknowledging Her Professors: A Q and A with a Marine Biology and Environmental Studies Major

Angelianne Recinto credits her professors in helping her transition to online instruction in March.

Royal Anthropological Institute logo
April 28, 2020

Royal Anthropological Institute (RAI) Names Professor of Anthropology Honorary Fellow

The RAI Council elected Professor of Anthropology Robert Borofsky, Ph.D., an Honorary Fellow of its institute.

male graduate student standing outside university in hawaii
April 28, 2020

Billy Mayer Relives Churchillian History

Hawaiʻi Pacific ŷAƬ graduate student William “Billy” Mayer received a National Churchill Library Center Graduate Fellowship which funded his thesis research on the legendary leader Winston Churchill.

drew tagging net
April 28, 2020

HPU Research Center Awarded Grant to Protect Reefs from Plastic Pollution

HPU Research Center Awarded Grant to Protect Reefs from Plastic Pollution

Hale ‘O Lono fishpond in Hilo
April 28, 2020

Oceanic Institute (OI) of HPU Engages in Project, Studying Three Ancient Hawaiian Fishponds

The OI Finfish Department, led by Director Chad Callan, Ph.D., completed a three-year project in collaboration with Conservation International.

Hanh Nguyen at computer
April 21, 2020

Embracing Online Learning: A Q and A with a Professor of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

In this Q&A with Hanh thi Nguyen, Ph.D., she reflects on how her online course lesson preparation has adjusted and how her class uses audio, chat, screen sharing, and video, maintaining engaging discussions.

CAPM spring 2020 course participants
April 21, 2020

Certified Associate of Project Management (CAPM) Certification Exam Prep Course Held ŷAƬ

In February, HPU student and alumni participated in a six-week exam preparation course on the Project Management Institute’s Project Management Body of Knowledge.

John Digges-Susan Dimenicio
April 20, 2020

The HPU Short Script Contest Winners Announced

Congratulations to all the winners in the Best Original Script and Best Adapted Script categories.

alumni celina barrios
April 16, 2020

HPU Alumni Profile - Celina Barrios

Alumni Celina Barrios earned her undergraduate and graduate degree ŷAƬ then went on to get her doctoral degree. See more of her story here.

public health professor at his desk
April 16, 2020

Public Health Professor Says Students Are Superheroes - HPU

Public Health Department Chair Christian T. Gloria, Ph.D., finds great reward in mentoring society's future Public Health professionals, who will dedicate their lives to protecting others, preventing diseases, promoting health, and saving lives.

female students standing outside
April 16, 2020

First-generation student Ashlynn Wells - Hawaii Pacific ŷAƬ

First-generation college student, Ashlynn Wells, is paving the way for fellow Cambodian Americans to succeed through her educational journey studying abroad, creating content for HPU’s Communications and Marketing team, and being a leader on-campus.

Brielle Hudik studying remote
April 14, 2020

Continuing in Unity and Caring about Our Community: A Q and A with a Nursing Major

Brielle Hudik shares what she is up to with her courses, extracurricular activities, and work, since shifting to studying and working remotely.

Melissa Aguda in Learning Commons
April 14, 2020

The Learning Commons Is Open, and the Libraries’ Services and Resources Are Available Virtually

The team is fully committed to providing full support to the campus community in this time of uncertainty.

student presenting research work
April 10, 2020

HPU Celebrates Student Achievement Online: All Are Invited

Top student talent will be on display at Hawai’i Pacific ŷAƬ’s 8th Annual Capstone Symposium, slated for Thursday, April 23, starting at 1 p.m., HST. An array of student research, project, creative work, and internship/practicum experience will be presented this year in an online setting, open to campus and the public alike.

Han Nee Chong-shaka-at-computer
March 31, 2020

Shifting to Online Instruction: A Q and A with Assistant Professor, Instructional Designer

Han Nee Chong, Ed.D., shares how she helped to prepare the HPU campus community for the transition to online instruction.

Greg Grauman, John Gotanda, Jennifer Walsh
March 31, 2020

HPU Conducts Virtual Admitted Student Receptions (ASRs)

Due to the evolving COVID-19 situation, HPU refocused its plans for ASRs, shifting from in-person receptions to virtual events.

Dr. David Horgen headshot
March 10, 2020

Professor of Chemistry and Fellow Scientists Publish Research

Professor of Chemistry David Horgen, Ph.D., and research colleagues from the ŷAƬ of Massachusetts and The Queen’s Medical Center authored a paper that will be published in the journal Cell Calcium, Vol 87, May 2020.

Dr Chad Callan presenting at Aquaculture America conference
March 10, 2020

Oceanic Institute (OI) Researchers and Graduate Students Present at Aquaculture Conference

Ten individuals conducting research at OI of HPU gave six presentations at the Feb. 9 through 12 Aquaculture America 2020 conference, sponsored by the World Aquaculture Society, and held in Honolulu.

Mens Basketball players leading Maemae students in a basketball drill
March 03, 2020

Men’s Basketball Team Engages with Youth in the Community

The Sharks represented HPU at the Maemae Elementary School Fitness Day and Makalapa Elementary School’s annual Read Aloud and Career Day.

Denise Karabinus
February 25, 2020

Arts Instructor and Scientists Exhibit Work at Bishop Museum

Denise Karabinus, who instructs Sustainable Art and Design, ARTS 1003, recently collaborated with scientists at the Bishop Museum studying shipworms.

Kelly Lucero
February 25, 2020

Student Services Center Manager Named

HPU has appointed Kelly Lucero for this new role where she will collaboratively partner with key stakeholders.

Sam Moku and HI LifeSmarts competition semifinalists
February 25, 2020

HPU Supports Hawai‘i High Schoolers’ LifeSmarts Competition

HPU provided scholarships to the 20 student competitors, representing the four semifinalist teams of the competition.

Jan Boivin and Marites McKee
February 25, 2020

HPU Provides College Campus Safety Training to Kamehameha High School Seniors

The training program includes street-smart safety tips and addresses the strong correlation between alcohol consumption and sex assault.

hawaii pacific university spring 2020 Federal Work Study Job Fair
February 24, 2020

Federal Work-Study (FWS) Job Fair: Win-Win for Students and Colleges and Departments

The Career Development Center hosted an FWS Job Fair, bringing together students seeking employment and department with open FWS positions.

IS6041 students with Dr Hassna and HMSA guest speaker
February 18, 2020

Corporate Data Management Expert Speaks to Information Systems’ Students

HMSA data management expert spoke to students in the Business Analytics for Big Data Revolution course of Ghazwan Hassna, Ph.D.

February 12, 2020

The Center for Marine Debris Research (CMDR) chairs Marine Debris and Microplastics session at Aquaculture Conference

CMDR co-director, Dr. Jennifer Lynch, and postdoctoral research associate, Dr. Katy Shaw, chaired a Marine Debris and Microplastics session at the Aquaculture America conference in Honolulu Hawaii on February 12, 2020. This session focused on the role plastics play in aquaculture and potential threats to environmental health from marine debris as a result from aquaculture activities. Scientists presented on topics including lost and abandoned fishing gear, the effects of microplastics in fish, and the threat of nanoplastics to aquatic life. Dr. Shaw presented research on the occurrence of aquaculture gear, specifically oyster spacers, found in marine debris in Hawaii.

Marketing students and faculty and UNIQLO managers
February 11, 2020

UNIQLO Managers Present to Marketing Students

Managers of UNIQLO shared with the students how the corporation embeds the core concept of sustainability in its business operations.

Spring 2020 Nursing students at ATM white coat ceremony
February 11, 2020

HPU Nursing Hosts Its White Coat Ceremony

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing White Coat Ceremony celebrated the entry of 59 students into the Nursing school.

hpu students pictures
February 08, 2020

The Center for Marine Debris Research hosts their first beach cleanup educational booth

The Center for Marine Debris Research created a partnership with the Surfrider Foundation Oahu Chapter to host their first educational outreach booth at the Kahuku beach clean up. It was estimated that 135 people attended the event!

February 01, 2020

Thermo-Fisher Scientific provides the iN10MX Microscope FTIR to the Center for Marine Debris Research

Thermo-Fisher Scientific has donated the iN10MX Infrared Imaging Microscope to the Center for Marine Debris Research to answer some of the most complex and pressing questions of our time about plastic pollution. The iN10MX is capable of identifying intricate microplastic samples and features a mapping array function that enables the identification of thousands of particles in a few hours as opposed to single point analysis which can take days or weeks for the same amount of particles. As CMDR regularly processes thousands of plastic samples, this instrument will greatly enhance CMDR’s efficiency and capabilities in marine debris science.

sophomore celebration event
January 28, 2020

Sophomores Invited to Halfway to Graduation Event

The Office of Student Activities launched this event to recognize the achievements of sophomores.

Gotanda, Foote, Kostecki
January 27, 2020

Staff Council Recognizes the Accounts Receivable Department

The Accounts Receivable team is the Fall 2019 Ke Kaukahi award recipient.

Gotanda, Wescott, Moku
January 27, 2020

Staff Council Presents Award to Head Athletic Trainer

Kelly Wescott is the Fall 2019 Ke Kaukahi individual recipient honoree.

davis, de lamere, CSU Fullerton fac and student
January 27, 2020

Math Professor and Student Present at the Joint Mathematics Meeting (JMM) in Denver

Tara Davis, Ph.D., and Alexxis De Lamere gave a talk at the JMM, a meeting attended by approximately 5,000 individuals.

Janos Pasztor and Dr. Matt Lopresti
January 21, 2020

Philosophy and Humanities Professor Invited to Deliver Speech for Think Tank in China

The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences invited Associate Professor Matthew LoPresti, Ph.D., to Jinan, China, to give a speech.

Andrian P. Gajigan,  Cherise Spotkaeff, Michael Rappe, Ph.D., Olivia Nigro, Ph.D.
January 21, 2020

Biology Professor Receives National Science Foundation (NSF) Collaborative Research Grant

Assistant Professor of Biology Olivia Nigro, Ph.D., is a recipient of an NSF grant, which is a collaboration between HPU, the ŷAƬ of Hawai‘i at Manoa, and Hartwick College.

Winter 2019 First Look Award Winners
January 14, 2020

HPU Winter First Look Mixed-Media Festival Winners Announced

HPU’s Cinematic Multimedia Arts screened student mixed media projects at the Winter 2019 First Look Mixed-Media Festival.

HPU TESOL Working Paper Series Vol 17 Cover
January 14, 2020

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Working Paper Series Published

The TESOL Program published its 17th volume of its Working Paper Series, including research papers and essays by HPU students.

OI of HPU broodstock shrimp
January 14, 2020

Oceanic Institute (OI) of HPU Scientists Co-author Research Article on Aquaculture in Hawai‘i

Chad Callan, Ph.D., Director of OI of HPU’s Finfish Department, and Shaun Moss, Ph.D., Executive Director of OI of HPU, co-authored an article with other aquaculture experts in Hawai‘i.