The Learning Commons Is Open, and the Libraries’ Services and Resources Are Available Virtually


The Learning Commons Is Open, and the Libraries’ Services and Resources Are Available Virtually

Submitted by librarian Elizabeth Torres, Head of Public Services

The staff and student workers of HPU’s Libraries and the Learning Commons have been working hard in response to the COVID-19 pandemic following university, state, and public health mandates, guidelines, and practices. 

The Learning Commons at Aloha Tower Marketplace remains open to provide access to computers and video-conferencing rooms. The modified hours of operation are:     

Monday - Thursday: 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM 

Friday - Sunday: 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM 

There is an occupancy limit of 20 users at a time, and our team has rearranged seating and signage to promote social distancing measures within the space. Daily, the staff disinfects computers, video-conferencing rooms, and hard surfaces, and throughout the Learning Commons are stations with hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes or sprays. Staff and student workers wear masks, some of which were made by a relative of a staff member.

We have been working as a team to ensure the safety of students, faculty, and staff within the Learning Commons. Student workers have not only been working on the front line to provide coverage, but they have also provided input on how to improve safety and help other students during these difficult times. An example of these commitments is Melissa Aguda, a nursing student who created the sanitation stations and shared a Google document with other student workers with safety tips based on recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other health agencies.  

Although not physically together, we have been working closely on the effort to provide access and support to our HPU community through video-conferencing and frequent communications. HPU Libraries’ services and resources are available virtually to help students, faculty, and staff with their research needs, as follows. 

  • - Our 24/7 chat service
  • - Meet with a librarian virtually 
  • Instruction Sessions - Live stream via BlackBoard or recorded via Panopto
  • Interlibrary Loan - Articles and Books Chapters not owned by HPU
  • Book Renewals - All HPU items’ due dates have been extended 

Our team is monitoring the ongoing situation, and we are fully committed to providing full support to the needs of the campus in this time of uncertainty.