HPU Supports Hawai‘i High Schoolers’ LifeSmarts Competition


HPU Supports Hawai‘i High Schoolers’ LifeSmarts Competition

HPU was among the community supporters of the 2020 Hawaii State LifeSmarts Competition, providing the 20 student competitors, representing the four semifinalist teams, $500 each in scholarship to HPU. HPU Executive Director of Athletics and Community Relations Sam Moku (pictured top left) was on hand at the state championships held on Saturday, Feb. 8, at UH-Manoa to present the awards to the student participants of Iolani, 1st place; Waipahu, 2nd place; Maryknoll 3rd place; and Kalani 4th place. The Iolani School team will now represent Hawaii at the national competition in Washington, D.C., in April.  

LifeSmarts is a free educational program that prepares students to enter the real world as smart consumers by teaching them the skills needed to succeed in today’s global marketplace. The program was created by the National Consumers League and sponsored locally by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs Office of the Securities Commissioner and Insurance Division, in partnership with the Hawaii Credit Union League.