Update on a Play and a Screenplay by HPU Professor of English


Update on a Play and a Screenplay by HPU Professor of English

The Bad Woman of Chinatown, a play by Mark Tjarks, Ph.D., professor of English and chair, department of English and applied linguistics, inspired by Bertolt Brecht's The Good Woman of Setzuan, will be presented at The PlayBuilders Festival 2020, September 1-30. The 2020 festival will be held online, PlayBuilders.org, and directed by Play Builders' Artistic Director Terri Madden, who previously directed Tjarks' Po'okela Award-winning play Houseless in Paradise

Also, Tjarks' screenplay Hard Courts, co-written with Dixie State professor Braden Lindstrom, Ph.D., was selected as a semi-finalist in the 2020 Creative Screenwriting Screenplay Competition. The finalists will be announced in September.  An earlier draft was selected as a quarterfinalist in the 2018 Shore Scripts Screenwriting Competition.