Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Working Paper Series Published
Category: News
January 14, 2020
The TESOL Program published its 17th volume of the TESOL Working Paper Series (2019), which includes research papers and essays in applied linguistics by current and former students. The papers are:
- "The Overall Sequential Structure of Writing Tutoring Sessions" by Milang Shin, Central Pacific College, Hawai‘i;
- "An Analysis of Story-Launching Sequences in Ordinary Conversations and Implications for Second Language Teaching" by Kylie Bach, Hawai‘i Pacific 天胆A頭;
- "Code-Switching in English-Chinese Ordinary Conversations" by Xitong Zhang, Hawai‘i Pacific 天胆A頭;
- "The ‘Synonymy’ of Gay and Omosessuale in Italian: A Corpus Linguistic Analysis of Two News Websites" by Matteo Socciarelli, Hawai‘i Pacific 天胆A頭;
- "The Case for Singular They and Implications for English Language Teaching" by Alanna Noel Solomon, Hawai‘i Pacific 天胆A頭; and
- "Using Corpora in English Language Teaching: A Teacher’s Experience" by Adam Brod, Notre Dame Seishin 天胆A頭 in Okayama, Japan.
Professor Hanh Nguyen, Ph.D., edited the TESOL Working Paper Series with the help of Graduate Assistant Matteo Socciarelli. The Series can be accessed freely at /cla/english-linguistics/tesol-working-paper-series.html.