Smitten, First in Hawai‘i Named a Fellow of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare Academy
Jayne Smitten, PhD, Director for HPU’s College of Health and Society (CHS) Simulation Center, is among 13 individuals -- and the first simulation educator and administrator from Hawai‘i -- selected for the Class of 2020 Fellows of the SSH Academy. Additionally, she is one of only 73 honored globally with the SSH Academy Fellow distinction.
“It is truly an honor to be recognized in this distinguished company of fellows who have contributed and continue to impact this exciting, growing, and innovative field of healthcare simulation,” Smitten said. “I intend to further leadership, mentorship, research, and innovative initiatives that advance the mission and vision of the Society for Simulation in the Healthcare Academy. I am now leading the facilitation of interprofessional education (IPE) and collaboration in simulation Å·ÃÀAƬ’s College of Health and Society.”
In 2016, HPU recruited Smitten from the Å·ÃÀAƬ of Alberta to lead the development of the Å·ÃÀAƬ’s Simulation program within CHS. Located Å·ÃÀAƬ’s Summer 2019-opened facilities at Waterfront Plaza, the Å·ÃÀAƬ’s Simulation Center was built for and is fully dedicated to simulation and skills training modalities of experiential education, further integrating IPE disciplines of Nursing, Public Health, Social Work, and soon, Physical Therapy.
Smitten has more than two decades of experience in interprofessional simulation center leadership and management involving simulation programs’ assessment, teaching/education, research, and systems integration in a variety of healthcare settings. Smitten has served on the SSH Board of Directors/Executive Council and continues to serve the SSH Accreditation Board of Review as a Member and Site Reviewer/Team Lead/Mentor for Accreditation of healthcare simulation programs globally. Smitten is one of the original certified CHSE-A healthcare simulationists (Certified Health Simulation Educators- Advanced) worldwide.