2021 News Article


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2021 News Article

Shark Bites December 2021
December 22, 2021

Shark Bites December 2021

December #SharkBites roundup: The Hawai'i Pacific ŷAƬ 'ohana ended the year strong, preparing for a new cybersecurity program, enjoying destress fest activities before finals, celebrating at the nursing pinning ceremony and graduation, and much more.

Elizabeth Bryant
December 22, 2021

VP of Southwest Airlines ŷAƬ Conducts Customer Service Training Retreat ŷAƬ

Elizabeth Bryant, Vice President of Southwest Airlines ŷAƬ, is responsible for overseeing the leadership and employee development training for 50,000 employees of the corporation. Bryant conducted a customer service training retreat for the Hawaii Pacific ŷAƬ ŷAƬ Relations team on Monday, December 6.

Hanh Nguyen
December 20, 2021

Nguyen’s Co-authored Paper Is Published

The co-authored paper ofProfessor of Applied Linguistics Hanh Nguyen, Ph.D.,entitled"‘But I want to say “I means love you”’: A child’s development ofstancetakingin parent-initiated language-focused sequences"published in the journalResearch on Children Social Interaction(Equinox).

5 Things with Alec Schumacker
December 20, 2021

5 Things You Don't Know About Me

Get to know your HPU faculty and staff with episodic installments each month. ​This week, we talk to Alec Schumacker, DMA, assistant professor of music and director of choral activities ŷAƬ.

HPU Hawaiian Properties
December 17, 2021

Hawaiian PropertiesSupports theHPUCollege of Business

HPUalumnusDassRamadass(far right)'85, President/CEOofHawaiian Properties Ltd.,and FrankTokioka(far left), Board Member ofHawaiian Properties Ltd.,visited campus last month and presentedHPUPresident John Gotanda with a donation.

Christmas shearwater
December 17, 2021

Iacchei,Hyrenbach,and Former StudentsCo-Publish a Paper

Natural Science faculty MatthewIacchei, Ph.D., and DavidHyrenbach, Ph.D.,and former students Ilana Nimz(MSMS) and JohnBaczenas(Marine Biology) and research colleagueshad their paper entitled“MetaBARFcoding: DNA‐barcoding of regurgitated prey yields insights into Christmas shearwater (Puffinusnativitatis) foraging ecology atHōlanikū(Kure Atoll), Hawaiʻi” published inEnvironmental DNA.

Jasmine Sadang
December 17, 2021

Communication Major Awarded Journalism Scholarship

The Hawaii Filipino Chronicle announced earlier in DecemberJasmine Sadangas its 2021 Journalism Scholarship recipient.

Nursing Graduation Ceremony
December 16, 2021

58 Nursing Students Celebrate in Fall Graduation Ceremony

HPU celebrated the achievements of its Bachelor of Science in Nursing students on December 9, 2021. A total of 58 BSN graduates received a ceremonial nursing pin.

HPU Fall Graduation
December 14, 2021

HPU Holds Fall Graduation at Aloha Tower Marketplace

HPU celebrated the achievements of its fall class of 2021 with a graduation ceremony on December 11, 2021, at Aloha Tower Marketplace.

December 13, 2021

Mother and Son Graduate with Nursing Degrees ŷAƬ

At the Fall 2021 Graduation Ceremony held at Aloha Tower Marketplace, HPU nursing student Bennet Bernhard graduated with honors, earning his Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree, and his mother, HPU nursing faculty Donna Bernhard, received her Doctor of Nursing (DNP) degree.

DPT Team
December 12, 2021

HPU's Doctor of Physical Therapy Program Achieves Accreditation Milestone

HPU's Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) Program was granted Candidate for Accreditation status by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE) on November 2, 2021. Admissions for the DPT Program launched earlier this year to tremendous interest. The two-year, accelerated, hybrid program is the first of its kind in Hawai‘i.

Gerard Dericks
December 11, 2021

HPU Economist Article Featured in Popular Marginal Revolution Economics Blog

HPU economist Gerard Dericks, Ph.D., has cowritten an article in the December 2021 issue Journal of Economic Geography entitled, "The billion pound drop: the Blitz and agglomeration economies in London." The article was featured in the popular Marginal Revolution economics blog.

December 08, 2021

HPU Professor Publishes Paper on the Building Blocks of Coral Reefs

HPU Professor of Oceanography Thomas DeCarlo, Ph.D., has recently published an article in the research publication Coral Reefs entitled, “Crystallographic and chemical signatures in coral skeletal aragonite.” The article centers on the skeletons of coral reefs and research into their chemical composition.

Nicolle Medak
December 07, 2021

Fall 2021 Graduation Undergraduate Valedictory Speaker Announced

Nicolle Anne Medak (Bachelor of Arts in International Studies ‘21) will represent the undergraduates of the Fall Class of 2021 as the valedictory speaker. She will deliver her address at the Saturday, December 11 graduation ceremony.

Elsa Saskia van Hall
December 07, 2021

Fall 2021 Graduation Graduate Valedictory Speaker Announced

Elsa Saskia van Hall (Master of Science in Marine Science ‘21) will represent the graduate students of the Fall Class of 2021 as the valedictory speaker. She will deliver her address at the Saturday, December 11 graduation ceremony.

Shark Bites Nov 2021
November 30, 2021

Shark Bites November 2021

November #SharkBites roundup: From the Fall concert and theatre performances to the annual 'Ohana Fall Feast and GradFest to kick off the celebration of the Fall Class of 2021, it was a busy and fun month at Hawai'i Pacific ŷAƬ.

Sharky Chatbot on the web
November 30, 2021

Sharky Chatbot Answers Questions 24/7

The Chatbot provides individuals a quick way to get their questions answered

College of Business logo
November 30, 2021

Management Information System Class Hosts a Professional Panel

The class partnered with Project Management Institute Honolulu Hawaii Chapter and the International Institute of Business Analysis Hawaii Chapter

Gerard Dericks
November 30, 2021

HPU Welcomes Home Prominent Oxford Economist

Gerard Dericks, Ph.D., is the Director of the Center for Entrepreneurship and Economic Education ŷAƬ. He leads all aspects of the Center’s mission and activities at the university. Gerard received his Ph.D. in real estate economics from the London School of Economics. He has taught at the London School of Economics, ŷAƬ of Bath, and the ŷAƬ of Oxford.

Jeremy Rivera
November 24, 2021

Studying by the Sea

Jeremy Rivera’s childhood dream was to live near the sea and to learn how to surf. He and his best friend kept that humble, idyllic passion alive through high school in Colorado and into young adulthood. Rivera majored in international business with an emphasis in marketing ŷAƬ and graduated in 1997. He established The Little J Marketing Co. in Colorado and is the principal and managing director at the company.

5 Things... Overtime with Vincent Tsushima
November 24, 2021

5 Things You Don't Know About Me... Overtime!

Get to know your HPU faculty and staff with episodic installments each month. ​This week, we introduce "5 Things You Don't Know About Me... Overtime!" Our first guest is Psychology Professor Vincent Tsushima, Ph.D.

Jennifer Lynch
November 22, 2021

HPU Center for Marine Debris Research Receives Recognition

HPU's CMDR received a donation from the Outrigger Reef Hotel for their work researching plastic pollution and its impact on the environment.

HPU at Aloha Tower Marketplace
November 22, 2021

HPU Launches Cybersecurity Certification Training Courses

In response to unprecedented cybersecurity challenges, HPU has announced four new cybersecurity certification training courses. The CompTIA certification and the CISCO certification training courses are 8 weeks long and are taught in-person and online.

Avery Fukeda at Hawaii Theatre Center
November 22, 2021

Giving Back to Support Those in Need

Avery Fukeda graduated from Saint Louis School in Honolulu and enrolled ŷAƬ, majoring in business administration. He is currently the Director of Development and Special Events at Hawaiʻi Theatre Center.

Mark Rosenbaum headshot
November 19, 2021

HPU Selects Mark Rosenbaum As Next College of Business Dean

His extensive background as a leader in business education will help build bridges of opportunity for HPU students.

5 Things with AnnMarie Manzulli
November 15, 2021

5 Things You Don't Know About Me

Get to know your HPU faculty and staff with episodic installments each month. ​This week, we talk to AnnMarie Manzulli, senior lecturer of communication.

Olivia Nigro
November 09, 2021

Biology Professor Researches Yellowstone’s Hydrothermal Fluids

Assistant Professor of Biology Olivia Nigro, Ph.D., co-authored a paper entitled "Sulfur cycling and host-virus interactions in Aquificales-dominated biofilms from Yellowstone's hottest ecosystems" published in October in the International Journal for Microbial Ecology.

Pathways to Joy: The Music of Healing and Humor
November 09, 2021

HPU Announces New Fall Concert at Aloha Tower Marketplace

HPU’s fall concert, “Pathways to Joy: The Music of Healing and Humor,” will be held in the Sunset Ballroom at Aloha Tower Marketplace on Friday, November 19, at 7:30pm.

Thomas Le
November 09, 2021

Thomas Le: The MVP

HPU alumnus Thomas Le was recently awarded the 2021 MVP award (Most Valuable Professional) from the National Association of Student Financial Administrators (NASFAA).

Gerard Dericks
November 05, 2021

HPU Launches Center for Entrepreneurship and Economic Education

The Center’s director, prominent economist Gerard Dericks, Ph.D., joined HPU in October 2021 and leads all aspects of the Center.

Shark Bites Oct. 2021
October 31, 2021

Shark Bites October 2021

October #SharkBites roundup: From research to athletics, student activities, and current events, the Hawai'i Pacific ŷAƬ 'ohana members are passionate about what they learn and do, expanding their knowledge and viewpoints.

Zoe Lehneman
October 29, 2021

HPU Presents its New Play “Eggs on Ice” with Large Student Cohort

On November 4, HPU debuts its opening night presentation of a new play at the university and a return to in-person theatrical productions. HPU freshman Zoe Lehneman plays Denise in playwright Kristine M. Reyes’ 2019 acclaimed play.

Yves Plancherel
October 29, 2021

An Alum’s Quest to Confront Climate Change

The ‘Ohana presents a new series of Q&A with HPU alumni. Yves Plancherel, Ph.D. graduated from Hawai‘i Pacific ŷAƬ with a Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology and teachesin the department of earth sciences and engineering at Imperial College London. He leads the environmental diagnostic and analysis research group at the college.

Ahmed Al Lawati
October 27, 2021

The Dream of Marine Biology ŷAƬ

Ahmed Al Lawati was born and raised in the historic city of Muscat, and grew up where the sea plays a great role for the residents of Oman. He is currently a marine environmental consultant at Five Oceans Environmental Services in Oman, one of the leading environmental service companies in the Middle East.

Mens Basketball Lo‘i
October 26, 2021

Men’s Basketball Team Engages in Community Service

The Hawai‘i Pacific ŷAƬ Men’s Basketball team visited Ka Papa Lo‘i o Punalu‘u on Saturday, Oct. 9, for a community service activity.

Jan Boivin
October 26, 2021

HPU Senior Vice President Honored As Outstanding Pro Bono Attorney

Senior Vice President and General Counsel Jan Boivin is an honoree of the October 28 “Pro Bono Celebration,” recognizing her work with the Hawai‘i State Bar Foundation (HSBF).

HPU Pfizer Grant
October 22, 2021

HPU Receives Grant from Pfizer for COVID-19 Education

HPU has received funding from Pfizer to educate Hawai‘i’s underserved Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (NHPI) communities on the importance of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Chris Martin
October 21, 2021

HPU Manager of Security Wins 2021 Top Cop Award

HPU Manger of Security Chris Martin has won the 2021 Top Cop Award for his service to HPU during the unprecedented times of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Cherise Spotkaeff
October 20, 2021

HPU student wins first prize at national POSea conference

Cherise Spotkaeff, a Master of Science in Marine Science (MSMS) student ŷAƬ, took home first prize in a national Marine Science conference centralized around People of Color.

5 Things with Carl Schuster
October 18, 2021

5 Things You Don't Know About Me

Get to know your HPU faculty and staff with episodic installments each month. ​​This week, we talk to history instructor Captain Carl Schuster.

Courtney Barry
October 15, 2021

Serving Hawai‘i’s Kūpuna One Meal at a Time

In 2005, Courtney Barry graduated from HPU with a Bachelor’s Degree in Entrepreneurial Business Administration. For over 20 years, he has been involved in nearly every facet of the hospitality industry and is currently the Culinary Service Director at Hale O Meleana with Ohana Pacific Health.

Great Shearwater
October 13, 2021

HPU Professor Helps Author Research Paper on Seabirds

David Hyrenbach, Ph.D. was part of an international team from 18 institutions in seven countries that found up to 52% of seabirds not only ate plastic, but also accumulated the plastic’s chemical components in their bodies.

Different Ideas Podcast
October 11, 2021

Randal Lee's Career in Criminal Justice - Podcast

As a youth, he shared his hope for the future and was shot down, but Judge Randal Lee transformed the moment into lifelong motivation. Hear how he encourages students as he brings his diverse career to the classroom at Hawai‘i Pacific ŷAƬ.

Students ŷAƬ
October 11, 2021

HPU Lands Federal Grant to Boost Native Hawaiian Student Representation in STEM Majors

HPU has received a grant from the U.S. Department of Education to foster the number of Native Hawaiian students majoring in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) at the university.

HPU Pride Week
October 09, 2021

HPU Presents Pride Week

HPU's Campus Activities Board presents a week-long event celebrating and supporting the LGBTQ+ community.

Shark Bites Sept 2021
September 30, 2021

Shark Bites September 2021

September #SharkBites roundup: Hawai'i Pacific ŷAƬ students, alumni, faculty, and staff are active members of their communities, learning, engaging, collaborating, and serving.

Lynette Cruz
September 28, 2021

HPU Kupuna in Residence Receives Two Community Honors

Lynette Cruz, Ph.D., received honors from the Historic Hawai‘i Foundation and at the annual Lā Ho‘iho‘i Ea celebration.

5 Things with Linda Lierheimer
September 27, 2021

5 Things You Don't Know About Me

Get to know your HPU faculty and staff with episodic installments each month. ​This week, we talk to Linda Lierheimer, Ph.D., professor of history and humanities, department chair of history and international studies, and director of honors programs.

Nan Himmelsbach
September 21, 2021

HPU Alumna co-authors paper impacting how scientists collect future data

HPU Alumna Nan Himmelsbach has co-authored a paper that hopes to change how scientists collect information for future studies.

Nikki Aubree San Agustin
September 21, 2021

Professor Completes 2021 Guahan Survey with Undergraduate Researcher

Ngoc T. Phan, Ph.D., traveled to Guam to recruit survey respondents, asking them about their identity and what they envision for the future.

Isabelle Yazel Eiser
September 20, 2021

HPU Alumna Receives Grant to Research Deadly Bacterium

Isabelle Yazel Eiser was born and raised in Indiana, and holds a Bachelor of Science in biochemistry and specializes in caring for patients battling COVID-19. The grant will help fund research into the pathogenic bacteria V. vulnificus and its widespread growth in Hawai‘i.

Scott Nolan Smith and Alicia Kubert
September 20, 2021

Getting the Global Experience ŷAƬ

Studying ŷAƬ encouraged Scott Nolan Smith to approach the world through a different lens. He chose HPU because of the small class sizes and the ability to study the Asia-Pacific region while living in the Pacific. Smith met his future wife, HPU alumna Alicia Kubert while studying ŷAƬ, both living at the scenic Hawaii Loa campus.

September 20, 2021

Submit Your Work to Wanderlust

WANDERLUST, the undergraduate literary magazine of HPU, is seeking submissions for its new issue.

Healthcare Student
September 17, 2021

Experiencing Simulation in Virtual Reality

Global Healthcare Simulation Week was September 13-19, and the HPU College of Health and Society students, faculty, and staff participated in various activities to advance educational opportunities and awareness of healthcare simulation.

digital jukebox at Sharky's Cove
September 16, 2021

The Latest Addition to the Student Union

Come down to Sharky's Cove and enjoy the digital jukebox!

HPU Student Scholar Andy Yu
September 15, 2021

HPU Student Scholar Receives Grant to Research HNF4a Gene

Andy Yu has received a grant to research the mutated gene Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 4 Alpha (HNF4a) that may be partly linked to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

Elana Bertram
September 14, 2021

HPU Assistant Professor of Management Publishes Paper in Law Practice Today

“Can You Crowdfund a Law Firm?” by Assistant Professor of Management Elana Bertram, JD, MBA, was published in Law Practice Today, a publication by the American Bar Association.

Cornelia Samara
September 14, 2021

The Pinnacle of Success in Hospitality and Tourism Management

HPU alumna Cornelia Samara was appointed general manager of Four Seasons Hotel Philadelphia. She will oversee hundreds of hotel team members at the first and only Forbes Travel Guide Five-Star Hotel.

Jennifer Lynch
September 08, 2021

HPU and 4ocean Team Up to Combat Marine Plastic Pollution

4ocean expands to Hawai‘i, partners with HPU’s Center for Marine Debris Research with a goal of solving the ocean plastic problem

Jovi Nazareno
September 02, 2021

Opening Doors with a Degree in English

Jovi Nazareno knew early on that she was interested in double-majoring in English and psychology ŷAƬ. After graduating, she enrolled in the Mind, Brain, and Education program at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

Shark Bites
August 31, 2021

Shark Bites August 2021

August #SharkBites roundup: The Hawai'i Pacific ŷAƬ 2021-22 academic year is off to a great start, and our 'ohana looks forward to a productive year of collaboration and engagement within the university and the broader community.

Golden Apple award
August 31, 2021

2020-21 Golden Apple Awards Presented

The awards recognize and commend colleagues’ contributions toward advancing teaching, scholarship, and service to the ŷAƬ.

Tolga Ulusemre
August 31, 2021

Asia Pacific Management Review Publishes the Research of Tolga Ulusemre, Ph.D.

Ulusemre is an Assistant Professor of Management and Management Program Chair ŷAƬ.

HPU Winning Team
August 30, 2021

HPU Student on Winning US Pitch Competition Team

The project that took second place was entitled "UNLOCKWORK Online Program: A Solution for Attracting Workers to a Slowing Labor Market."

Apartment Room
August 26, 2021

HPU Creates New Online eAds Service

HPU's new online eAds Service is provided for HPU students as a courtesy to aid in students' off-campus housing search.

Petition to Graduate
August 26, 2021

Filing Your Electronic Petition to Graduate

Filing of your PTG ensures that you receive vital information related to degree completion and the commencement ceremony.

Different Ideas Podcast
August 25, 2021

Jennifer Lynch and the Plastics Crisis — Podcast

In this edition of the Different Ideas podcast, we get to know Jennifer Lynch, Ph.D. and what’s behind her drive to take on one of the greatest challenges on our planet.

Bishop Bank Building
August 25, 2021

The History of the Bishop Bank Building

The oldest bank in Hawai‘i, the Bishop Bank Building, was once located behind Pioneer Plaza.

5 Things with Allison Gough
August 24, 2021

5 Things You Don't Know About Me

Get to know your HPU faculty and staff with episodic installments each month. ​This week, we talk to Allison Gough, Ph.D., dean of the college of liberal arts and associate professor of history.

HPU students at Aloha Tower
August 24, 2021

HPU's New Minor in Editing and Publishing

The new minor in editing and publishing provides students with a focused curriculum that emphasizes practical experience in the editing and publishing fields.

5 Things with Sterling Higa
August 24, 2021

5 Things You Don't Know About Me

Get to know your HPU faculty and staff with episodic installments each month. ​This week, we talk to Sterling Higa, M.Ed., debate coach and lecturer in the HPU Department of Communication.

Nicole Monton HPU Alumna
August 23, 2021

HPU Alumna Becomes Managing Editor of MidWeek

Nicole Monton graduated from HPU with a B.A. in journalism, interned at KHON, then accepted an entry-level position at MidWeek. Ten years later, she's the managing editor.

HPU Students at Sharky's Cove
August 23, 2021

Students Enjoy New Student Union

HPU announced its new student union, Sharky's Cove, at Aloha Tower Marketplace.

Aloha Tower
August 20, 2021

The Story of Aloha Tower

Aloha Tower is a historic icon and landmark for HPU's campus. At one time the tallest building in Hawai‘i, it stands at 184-feet tall and is seen as a symbol of welcome to anyone who arrives on O‘ahu.

5 Things
August 17, 2021

5 Things You Don't Know About Me

Get to know your HPU faculty and staff with episodic installments each month. ​This week, we talk to Vice President of Enrollment Management Greg Grauman, M.Ed.

shark bites
July 31, 2021

Shark Bites July 2021

July #SharkBites roundup: The members of the HPU 'ohana are enjoying a productive summer, engaging in projects and community collaborations in Hawai‘i and afar.

Russell Hart and USM and HPU tour participants at the Pali Lookout
July 27, 2021

History Professor Organizes a Visiting Study Program

Russell Hart, Ph.D., Professor and Director of the Diplomacy and Military Studies program organized a visiting study program for students and faculty of the ŷAƬ of Southern Mississippi

HUI SRC logo
July 27, 2021

Student Health Research Concept Competition (HRCC) Scholars Awarded Grants

The Hawai‘i Pacific ŷAƬ Undergraduate Infrastructure Student Research Center has named its first HRCC student scholars.

Kumu Fish
July 26, 2021

OI of HPU Focuses on Rejuvenating Prized Hawaiian Fish

Oceanic Institute of HPU has received a nearly $300,000 grant from NOAA to develop culture methods for marine fish species for local food production.

Sarena Celseti
July 21, 2021

It’s a Plant-Based Paradise

In 2021, Sarena Celseti completed her MBA ŷAƬ and immediately applied her business knowledge and expertise into owning and operating a café in Kailua called Plant Based Paradise.

Tima nigroannulata
July 20, 2021

New Species of Jellyfish Discovered ŷAƬ

A new species of jellyfish with the binomial, Tima nigroannulata was discovered by an international team of researchers from HPU, Japan, and Canada.

Elizabeth Milner
July 19, 2021

Medical School Admittance… Guaranteed?

Elizabeth Milner shares her unique story of being part of the Early Acceptance Program (EAP) in Medicine and Dentistry ŷAƬ.

Katarina Lage
July 16, 2021

To Study Abroad and See the World in a New Light

HPU alumna Katarina Lage loved the experience of studying abroad so much she went to Greece, Ecuador, and Thailand. Her experience abroad led her to a career as a foreign service officer in the Dominican Republic.

white spacer
June 30, 2021

Shark Bites June 2021

June #SharkBites roundup: The HPU 'ohana embraces collaboration, working with partners within HPU and communities throughout Hawai'i, across the U.S., and worldwide. And to our newest HPU Sharks, the incoming Fall 2021 students, we can't wait to welcome you to campus!

Different Ideas Podcast
June 30, 2021

HPU Kumu Featured on Different Ideas Podcast

Taum shares thoughts on getting in touch with Hawaiian values to make real change.

Oceanic Institute ŷAƬ
June 30, 2021

Understanding Coral Reefs to Save Them from Demise

HPU professor Thomas DeCarlo, Ph.D. has co-written a new article entitled "Global declines in coral reef calcium carbonate production under ocean acidification and warming" in the May 2021 publication of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States.

June 29, 2021

Student Messages: COVID-19 Updates

Check Back Here Regularly for the Latest Updates

Girls in Tech summer camp student in lab
June 29, 2021

HPU Co-hosts Girls in Tech Summer Camp

HPU welcomed more than 30 middle and high school girls from local schools for a STEM Summer camp co-hosted with CGEST Arizona State ŷAƬ.

Student in Learning Commons
June 29, 2021

HPU Libraries: Another Year By-The-Numbers

The Libraries' infographic for 2020-21 highlights some of the library resources and services.

Russell Hart headshot
June 29, 2021

History Professor Presents at 87th Annual Military History Conference

Russell Hart, Ph.D., participated in two of only three presidential panels/roundtables at the conference.

Raleigh Aiden Johnson
June 28, 2021

HPU Student Spotlight: Raleigh Aiden Johnson

Raleigh Aiden Johnson is a is a senior ŷAƬ and is following his passion by majoring in marine science.

Robert Nakata, Ph.D.
June 21, 2021

Spotlight on HPU Faculty: Robert Nakata, Ph.D.

Professor Nakata is an engineering professor ŷAƬ, and has worked for over 35 years in the technology industry.

Anita Harrington
June 17, 2021

HPU Alumna Helps Discover New Species of Jellyfish

Anita Harrington teamed up with a team of researchers from Japan, Canada, and Hawai’i.

Rae Baer headshot
June 15, 2021

Opitz Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Writing Presented

The College of Liberal Arts announces the 2020-2021 winners of the award named after the late Andrew Opitz, Ph.D., English faculty.

David Horgen and INBRE student team members
May 31, 2021

HPU Chemistry Professor and Students Publish Research

Professor David Horgen, Ph.D., and three INBRE (IDeA Network of Biomedical Research) student team members co-authored a paper with a team from the ŷAƬ of Hawai‘i at Manoa John A. Burns School of Medicine.

white spacer
May 31, 2021

Shark Bites May 2021

May #SharkBites roundup: We pay special tribute to our newest HPU alumni, the Spring 2021 graduates. We are so proud of the achievements of all members of HPU's 'ohana, who are doing remarkable work to advance their careers and communities.

May 26, 2021

Student Messages: COVID-19 Updates

Check Back Here Regularly for the Latest Updates

Emma Williams
May 25, 2021

First Look Mixed Media Festival Winners Announced

The Multimedia Cinematic Production Club hosted the 13th annual festival on Monday, May 17.

Sigmund Sumulong and Carey Foote
May 25, 2021

Sigmund Sumulong Honored As Ke Kaukahi Award Winner

Sigmund, Registration Coordinator, is described as "the unsung hero behind the scenes."

Communications and Marketing staff with President Gotanda
May 25, 2021

Communications and Marketing Recognized As Ke Kaukahi Award Winner

The team goes above and beyond, always keeping the university's best interests as its biggest priority.

May 24, 2021

Statement on Herff Jones Security Breach

HPU's IT department has investigated and confirmed that the transactions do not involve any systems ŷAƬ.

CNCS Lock Up
May 21, 2021

HPU is First in State for 7th Year in a Row at ICPC

The ICPC is recognized as the largest and most prestigious programming contest in the world.

Debbie Snell headshot
May 14, 2021

Hawai‘i Pacific ŷAƬ Turns to Debbie Snell to Lead Sharks Athletics

Snell will begin her leadership of the 14-sport Hawai‘i Pacific Sharks program on July 1.

Linda Lierheimer Headshot
May 10, 2021

Hawai‘i Pacific ŷAƬ Announces Director of Honors Programs

HPU welcomes Linda Lierheimer, Ph.D., Professor of History and Humanities, to her new role as Director of Honors Programs.

Maile Autumn Aubrey Butler
May 07, 2021

HPU Bids Aloha to Third Butler Daughter with Degree in Nursing

Autumn will join her older sisters Aubrey and Maile in serving as a nurse in Hawai‘i.

Students at Waterfront Plaza
May 04, 2021

HPU eyes record first-time student enrollment

Positive pandemic management seen as one factor

Daria Rae Baer
May 04, 2021

Valedictory Speaker: Daria Rae Baer, College of Liberal Arts

Daria Rae Baer will earn a Bachelor of Arts in History

Aileen Somera Claveria
May 04, 2021

Valedictory Speaker: Aileen Somera Claveria, College of Health and Society

Aileen Somera Claveria will earn a Master's in Public Health

Benjamin Miller headshot
May 04, 2021

College of Natural and Computational Sciences Graduation Speaker: Benjamin N. Miller

Benjamin N. Miller will earn a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry

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April 30, 2021

Shark Bites April 2021

April #SharkBites roundup: The HPU 'Ohana commits to collaborating with partners within our university and the broader community. We are proud of our students, faculty, and staff and their community impact and accomplishments.

Cidney Hopkins Menjam Tamang headshots
April 27, 2021

HPU Students Recognized for Outstanding Research Papers

Menjam Tamang was awarded the Alfred H. Nolle Scholarship award for her paper, and Cidney Hopkins was chosen as an alternate for her paper.

Boivin Howie McKee headshots
April 27, 2021

HPU Provides ‘We Care’ Campus Safety Training to Kamehameha School Seniors

The HPU team engaged with the soon-to-be college-bound students and families.

Andrea Malji headshot
April 27, 2021

International Studies Professor Named Teacher of the Year

Andrea Malji, Ph.D., was named HPU's 2021 Teacher of the Year.

Spring 21 Theatre Production Behind the Scenes of Livestream
April 20, 2021

Where Words Once Were: HPU’s Spring Theatre Production

Don't Forget to Get Your Tickets for the Finale Weekend of Livestream Performances

HPU logo
April 20, 2021

HPU Professor Receives Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program Award

Andrea Malji, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of International Studies, has received a Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program award to India.

HPU College of Liberal Arts "lockup"
April 20, 2021

HPU Students Win Prizes at Annual Phi Alpha Theta Conference

History, Diplomacy and Military Studies, and Political Science students received recognition and awards.

Music of Hope and Humanity HPU Concert graphic
April 16, 2021

Music of Hope & Humanity: A Free Virtual Concert

Featuring the HPU Orchestra and Vocal Ensemble

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March 31, 2021

Shark Bites March 2021

March #SharkBites roundup: In the home stretch of the Spring term, activity abounds — in and out of the classroom — ŷAƬ. Go Sharks!

College of Health and Society lock up
March 30, 2021

Hawai‘i's First Doctor of Physical Therapy Program ŷAƬ to Welcome Applicants in 2021

The DPT Program's innovative curriculum will blend distance learning, on-campus lab experience.

Jennifer Walsh in her office
March 08, 2021

Inspiring the Next Generation of Women Leaders

The new Women's Executive Leadership Council matches talented students with trail-blazing female executives.

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February 28, 2021

Shark Bites February 2021

February #SharkBites roundup: In and out of the classroom, the members of our HPU 'ohana are doing great things. We salute our students, faculty, and staff for their accomplishments and achievements.

SIM research lab-and-OSS
February 23, 2021

Integrating Simulation into a Research Study, Focusing on Obesity Bias and Stigma

Linda Nosaka, DNP, APRN-Rx, AGACNP-BC, is the first HPU Doctor of Nursing Practice student to perform a research activity utilizing simulation modalities in the ŷAƬ’s College of Health and Society Simulation Program.

Nursing students in the SIM lab
February 23, 2021

DAISY Award Recipient Unpacks the Gratifying Field of Nursing

Simulation educator Naomi Bretschneider, RN, CCRN, receives the Daisy Award, upon nomination from two of her students.

Foundational Digital Multimedia book cover
February 23, 2021

Cinematic Multimedia Arts Professor’s Textbook Published

Kendall Hunt Publishing Company recently published the textbook Foundational Digital Multimedia by William Erwin Quest Kennelly.

College of Liberal Arts lock up
February 16, 2021

The 2021 HPU Short Script Contest Winners Announced

The annual contest recognizes students' work in the categories of Best Original Script and Best Adapted Script.

First Look Mixed Media 2020 winning poster
February 08, 2021

First Look Poster Competition: Open to All HPU Students

The Multimedia Programs have announced the 2019 First Look Mixed Media Festival Poster Design Competition.

February 03, 2021

Student Messages: COVID-19 Updates

Check Back Here Regularly for the Latest Updates

Ness Morrison
February 02, 2021

Annual HPU Poetry Award Winner Announced

Ness Morrison is the winner of this year’s James Vaughan Award for Poetry.

white spacer
January 31, 2021

Shark Bites January 2021

January #SharkBites: As we kick-off the start of the Spring semester, we highlight campus programs and achievements of our 'ohana in the New Year.

Housing and Residence Life team
January 25, 2021

Housing and Residence Life Recognized As Ke Kaukahi Award Winner

The Special Events and Recognition Committee, on behalf of the Staff Council, presented the Fall 2020 Ke Kaukahi Recognition of Excellence award to the Housing and Residence Life department.

Chris Martin and Carey Foote
January 25, 2021

Chris Martin Honored As Ke Kaukahi Award Winner

The Special Events and Recognition Committee, on behalf of the Staff Council, presented the Fall 2020 Ke Kaukahi recognition of Excellence award to Chris Martin, Security Manager.

College of Business lockup
January 25, 2021

College of Business Faculty Research Published in a Top-ranked Business Journal

Assistant Professor of Management Tolga Ulusemre, Ph.D., and Associate Professor of Economics Xin Fang, Ph.D., received acceptance of their article by the Journal of Business Ethics.

Sam Moku headshot
January 20, 2021

HPU’s Sam Moku to Join Blangiardi Administration

Senior administrator Sam Moku will leave HPU at the end of January to become chief of staff in the administration of newly elected Honolulu Mayor Rick Blangiardi.

Grace Laudick
January 18, 2021

HPU Intern Hosts Her Own Talk Show at ThinkTech Hawaii

Communications major Grace Laudick hosted a bi-weekly talk show called "Educating Ourselves in These Difficult Times."

Katie Hiew working with yellow tang broodstock
January 11, 2021

Oceanic Institute of HPU Staff and HPU Graduate Student Receives Research Grant

Rising Tide Conservation awarded Katie Hiew a grant to support her thesis research