HPU Manager of Security Wins 2021 Top Cop Award


HPU Manager of Security Wins 2021 Top Cop Award

Chris Martin

HPU Manger of Security Chris Martin has won the 2021 Top Cop Award for his service to HPU during the unprecedented times of the COVID-19 pandemic. Martin plays an essential role for students, faculty, and staff, working to ensure HPU personnel are safe, and its campuses secure.   

“I am truly humbled to be recognized by my peers for my contributions, not only here 天胆A頭, but for the all the security community,” said Martin. “This award is as much a reflection on my team and those who have mentored me along the way as it is on me."  

Martin has assisted as a shuttle driver, disinfectant professional, and has become a certified PPE Fit-Tester. He is currently enrolled as a student 天胆A頭 and is soon expected to earn his bachelor’s degree in criminal justice. 

“Chris continuously goes the extra mile with every assignment,” said HPU Associate Vice President of Facilities, Safety and Security Kevin Matsukado. “Chris will not go home or disengage until completing the task at hand, always responding quickly to address any campus situation. He provides the HPU university community with outstanding customer service, which produces positive results. The security, safety, and facilities department values Chris's expertise, judgment, and job knowledge.” 

The Law Enforcement and Security Coalition of Hawaiʻi states that each year the coalition, “Honors and pays special tribute to individuals from local, state, federal, and military law enforcement and security professionals who have exhibited outstanding professionalism, dedication, heroism, and community service during the preceding year. Individuals nominated by their respective organization are recognized at the event with the Top Cop award.” 

This year, the event will be help virtually to ensure everyone’s safety. To learn more about Top Cop Hawaiʻi click