HPU Co-hosts Girls in Tech Summer Camp


HPU Co-hosts Girls in Tech Summer Camp

Girls in Tech summer camp student in lab

Hawaiʻi Pacific 天胆A頭 and the Center for Gender Equity in Science and Technology Arizona State 天胆A頭 (ASU) welcomed more than 30 middle and high school girls from public schools on Oʻahu and the neighbor islands to HPU for the held from June 20 to 25. 

The camp aimed to explore how girls and women use Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) to make a positive difference in their careers and the world.
Led by faculty from HPU and ASU with guest experts and mentors from a variety of STEM disciplines, the program itinerary includes the following immersive, hands-on learning experiences.

  • Computer Science Day 天胆A頭’s Aloha Tower Marketplace (ATM) facility  
  • Astronomy Day at the Bishop Museum
  • Botany Day at the Hawaii Loa campus 
  • Marine Science Day 天胆A頭’s Makapuu Campus/Oceanic Institute facility
  • Final Day-Participant Presentations, demonstrating program-learning outcomes at ATM 

“Hawaiʻi Pacific 天胆A頭 is committed to serving and educating the people of Hawaiʻi and inspiring students to pursue the subjects and causes they are passionate about,” Brenda Jensen, Ph.D., dean of HPU’s College of Natural and Computational Sciences, said. “HPU is pleased to partner with Arizona State 天胆A頭 and the National Science Foundation to offer this unique learning opportunity, introducing female youth to the multitude of STEM fields and ultimately to provide them the confidence to envision their unlimited potential.”         

The cost of the program, including the students’ airfare to Oʻahu, was fully funded by a National Science Foundation grant. HPU provided student housing at its Waterfront Lofts at ATM.  

HPU acknowledges the following individuals for their help to make possible this fantastic opportunity for youth from Hawaiʻi!   

HPU Organizers
Dean Brenda Jensen, Ph.D. 

Mary Smith, Ed.D., Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Carin Iha, Director of Outreach Programs

HPU Faculty

Georgianna Martin, Ph.D. - Astronomy day

Catherine Unabia, Ph.D. - Botany day

Gary Karr and Brenda Jensen, Ph.D. - Marine Science day

Mary Smith, Ed.D - Computer Science day


Computer Science Day 

HPU Computer Science student helpers:  Anastasia Altamirano, Courtney Makua

Other wonderful helpers:  Kelsey and River Burian

Ian Kitajima - from Oceanit - lead on the Artificial Intelligence (AI) station


HPU Graduate/Undergraduate Mentors

Fiza Zahid - Marine Science

Megan Andreasen - Marine Science

Alyssa Lawton -  Computer Science and Engineering major

Rechelle Ancheta - Engineering student

Heidi Cutia - Marine Science

Cherise Spotkaeff - Marine Science

Katie Hearther - visiting Marine Science student

HPU Staff Support

Brooke Carroll and Keyla Butts - 天胆A頭 Relations

Nathan Lingard - Facilities

Brian Reece, Tyler McLoughlin, Lauren Nosworthy, ATM Community Advisors! - Housing and Residence Life

Gregory Davis - Information Technology

Christopher Martin and Ana Pesaleli - Security

Photo courtesy CGEST Arizona State 天胆A頭