HPU Students Recognized for Outstanding Research Papers


HPU Students Recognized for Outstanding Research Papers

Senior Menjam Tamang (BSN, Fall 2021) was recently awarded the 2021 Alpha Chi National College Honor Society, Alfred H. Noelle Scholarship of $2000 for her paper “Barriers to Competent Care of LGBTQIA+ Patients”—a paper she wrote in the Leadership Through Evidence-based Practice and Research class (NUR 3710), taught by Kathleen Burger, Ph.D.

Junior Cidney Hopkins (BA International Studies, 2022) was chosen as an alternate for the Noelle Scholarship for her paper “The Factor of Time in Peace Agreement Success” —a paper she wrote in the Fundamentals of Social Science Research class (PSCI 2100), taught by Andrea Malji, Ph.D.

The Alpha Chi National College Honor Society awards more than $80,000 annually in scholarships and fellowships to members for full-time study. The Alpha Chi Honor Society HPU Chapter invites membership to juniors and seniors from all disciplines who are in the top ten percent of their class. Please contact sponsors Yongli Chen, Ph.D. (ychen@hpu.edu) and Lisa Chuang, Ph.D. (lchuang@hpu.edu) for more information.