Alternative Loans


Alternative Loans

If your federal financial aid does not cover your total budget (or cost of attendance) you may be able to borrow additional funds through alternative loans. This can be helpful to students who have used their full loan eligibility during the Fall and Spring and need funds for Summer term, for those who need additional funds during the school year, or, in some instances, for students who have a prior balance on their student accounts.

Alternative loans are credit-based. Students who are borrowing alternative loans may need a co-signer in order to qualify for the loans. You may apply for these loans online, and once approved, your lender will contact us to certify the loans for you.

Students are encouraged to use the  for comparative information and for help with understanding alternative loan options and responsibilities.

You are welcome to use any lender you choose for your alternative loan. Please review all terms and conditions of the loan you are considering carefully.

HPU does not endorse any alternative or private loan lender.

Alternative Loan Information and Application

Apply Here: