International Studies


International Studies

A major in International Studies (IS) prepares students to take their place as citizens of the world. The multi-disciplinary approach aims at immersing students in various methods of analyzing contemporary international issues. Students gain a foundation in the disciplines of political science and international relations, and a knowledge of global issues from courses in anthropology, economics, geography, and history. An important goal of this study is to describe the nature and evolution of contemporary global structures.

Students develop regional expertise in a specific country or world region (e.g., China, India, Japan, Europe, or Latin America), gain competency in a second language, and are strongly encouraged to participate in study abroad opportunities.


The International Studies major Å·ÃÀAƬ provides students with the foundation for looking at politics and international affairs through a variety of different lenses. Students who major in International Studies are among the most engaged Å·ÃÀAƬ. They are independently motivated to follow current events in the world, to seek opportunities for experience and growth in student organizations such as the Model United Nations, and to study abroad. Students gain practical experience and make valuable connections through internships, such as working for the U.S. Department of State.

In addition to regional expertise, students pick one of the following concerntration areas for a thematic focus:

  1. Anthropology, Development, and Sustainability: which examines the economic, environmental, political, and socio-cultural underpinnings of development and underdevelopment and explores strategies for building sustainable and resilient communities worldwide.
  2. International Relations and Security: which highlights the changing nature of global politics, international relations, and national security affairs.

Students who major in International Studies will be able to:

  1. Develop competency in various theoretical approaches in the field of international studies
  2. Be able to conduct rigorous comparative analysis of international issues in a regional context and within social science disciplines
  3. Work within conceptual frameworks to analyze the global arena of politics, economics, and social/cultural issues
  4. Gain proficiency in critical skills in international relations to include an emphasis on research and communication skills, knowledge of various world cultures, and global systems


  • Application
  • Transcripts
  • Personal Statement
  • $45 Application Fee
  • SAT I or ACT Scores (freshman only)
  • Letter of recommendation
  • Resume

The B.A. in International Studies has proven to be a successful undergraduate degree to meet global challenges as well as to prepare students for graduate programs and law schools. The interdisciplinary nature of the BAIS positions students to become employed by a wide range of public and private sector firms (including the Foreign Service and the intelligence community), international organizations like the (EU and UN), and non-governmental organizations. Many careers today demand that people's knowledge and skills stretch beyond their own physical and cultural borders to deal with issues in a global context.



  • In spring 2016, 14 students participated in the annual New York National Model United Nations Conference, representing Fiji in the General Assembly and the United Kingdom on the Security Council. The Fiji team won a Distinguished award (second highest award given) and the United Kingdom team Outstanding Award (highest award given).
  • In fall 2016, 7 seven students traveled to Kobe, Japan representing Samoa in the General Assembly and Malaysia in the Security Council
  • In fall 2017, the club participated in their second international model United Nations conference in Banff, Canada.
  • In fall 2018, Students participated in the New York National Model United Nations conference in Xi'an China.