Spring 2023: Undergraduate Visiting Student Course List
Undergraduate visiting students have to choose courses from the pre-approved course lists below. The Spring 2023 course registration form will be sent to you in October or soon after you are admitted whichever comes first. If you have any questions, please contact visiting@hpu.edu.
Important Notes
- All international students are required by U.S. immigration regulations to be enrolled full-time. Undergraduate (Bachelor) level students have to enroll in a minimum of 12 credits.
- It is the student's responsibility to make sure the specific requirement(s) of your home university and/or government funding are met. Each university and funding agency has a different requirement and credit number conversion.
- Undergraduate students cannot enroll in graduate courses and vice versa. Students are not able to register for a mix of classes on the graduate and undergraduate levels. Undergraduate level courses are 1000-4999. Graduate level courses are 5000-6999.
- **NORWEGIAN STUDENTS** Lånekassen will typically not approve online or 1000 level courses. You must be enrolled for 15 credits.
- *Prerequisite(s):
Courses marked with a W require English Writing and Research background. Students should be prepared with background knowledge in writing at the university level. It will be assumed that students can critically analyze and interpret academic texts and do some basic research. The class will be writing intensive and may require at least one research paper.
Courses marked with M require Math. Students should be prepared with a basic knowledge of college level pre-algebra and pre-calculus skills. - **Campus name: DTC (Downtown Campus), HIL (Hawaii Loa Campus), WMC (Waimanalo/Makapu’u campus) You should plan at least 30-60 minutes between the classes at DTC and HIL.
- Meeting Days ***Monday (M), Tuesday (T), Wednesday (W), Thursday (R), Friday (F) If it shows "TR" it means the course will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
- A Lab course should be taken with the matched lecture course. For example, "Biochemistry I" + "Biochemistry I Lab."
- Courses numbered from 1000 to 1999 are generally freshman-level courses that, except for two-course sequences, often have no college-level prerequisites. Courses numbered from 2000 to 2999 are generally sophomore courses, many of which have college-level prerequisites. Freshman and sophomore courses are, together, designated as “lower-division.” Courses numbered from 3000 to 4999 are “upper-division” requiring substantial preparation and most often one or more prerequisite classes.
College | Department | Course | Title | Course Credits1 | Pre-req? | CRN | Campus | Instructional Method | Start Date1 | End Date1 | Begin Time | End Time | Meeting Days |
College of Business | Financial Econ & Info Sys. | ACCT2000 | Principles of Accounting I | 3 | W & M | 2062 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1915 | 2155 | W |
College of Business | Financial Econ & Info Sys. | ACCT2000 | Principles of Accounting I | 3 | W & M | 3379 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | English & Applied Linguistics | AL1050 | Languages in the Pacific | 3 | 2899 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1545 | 1700 | TR | |
College of Liberal Arts | English & Applied Linguistics | AL1100 | Language, Power, and Identity | 3 | 5586 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | TR | |
College of Liberal Arts | English & Applied Linguistics | AL2000 | Introduction to Linguistics | 3 | W | 4119 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1730 | 2010 | W |
College of Liberal Arts | English & Applied Linguistics | AMST2000 | An American Childhood | 3 | W | 5206 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | MW |
College of Liberal Arts | Hist, Humanities, Intl Studies | ANTH1500 | Contemp Social Activism in HI | 3 | 4088 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | MW | |
College of Liberal Arts | Hist, Humanities, Intl Studies | ANTH2000 | Cultural Anthropology | 3 | 1524 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | TR | |
College of Liberal Arts | Hist, Humanities, Intl Studies | ANTH2000 | Cultural Anthropology | 3 | 4540 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1545 | 1700 | MW | |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | AQUA1200 | Global Aquaculture | 3 | 3878 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | TR | |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | ARTH1001 | Arts of Oceania | 3 | 2874 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1730 | 1845 | MW | |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | ARTH2301 | Tribal Art | 3 | W | 4505 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | MW |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | ARTS1000 | Introduction to Visual Arts | 3 | 1578 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | TR | |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | ARTS1000 | Introduction to Visual Arts | 3 | 1978 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | MW | |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | ARTS1003 | Sustainable Art & Design | 3 | 2878 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0845 | 1000 | MW | |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | ARTS1003 | Sustainable Art & Design | 3 | 2879 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | MW | |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | ARTS2010 | Beginning Drawing | 3 | 4311 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | TR | |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | ARTS2150 | Introduction to Design | 3 | 1638 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | TR | |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL1000 | Introductory Biology | 3 | 1037 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0845 | 1000 | MW | |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL1300 | Nutrition: Eat Smarter | 3 | 4316 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | TR | |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL1500 | Conservation Biology | 3 | 3291 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | MW | |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL2030 | Anatomy and Physiology I | 3 | W | 1286 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1730 | 1845 | TR |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL2030 | Anatomy and Physiology I | 3 | W | 5610 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1545 | 1700 | TR |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL2031 | Anatomy and Physiology I Lab | 1 | 1572 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1500 | 1640 | F | |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL2031 | Anatomy and Physiology I Lab | 1 | 2426 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1800 | 1940 | F | |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL2031 | Anatomy and Physiology I Lab | 1 | 5578 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1300 | 1440 | F | |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL2031 | Anatomy and Physiology I Lab | 1 | 5579 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1100 | 1240 | F | |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL2050 | General Biology I | 4 | M | 5216 | HIL | F2F | 1030 | 1120 | F | ||
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL2050 | General Biology I | 4 | M | 5216 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0845 | 1000 | MW |
College of Business | Management and Marketing | BUS1000 | Introduction to Business | 3 | 2060 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0845 | 1000 | MW | |
College of Business | Management and Marketing | BUS1000 | Introduction to Business | 3 | 2061 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | TR | |
College of Business | Management and Marketing | BUS1000 | Introduction to Business | 3 | 5722 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | MW | |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | CHEM1000 | Introductory Chemistry | 3 | M | 1044 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | TR |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | CHEM1020 | Intro to Chem & the Env | 3 | 1336 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | TR | |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | CHEM1021 | Intro to Chem & the Env Lab | 1 | 1144 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1500 | 1740 | M | |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | CHEM2050 | General Chemistry I | 3 | M | 4712 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1545 | 1700 | MW |
College of Prof Studies | Public Service | CJ1000 | Violence in American Society | 3 | 5647 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | TR | |
College of Prof Studies | Public Service | CJ1500 | Intro to Cybersecurity | 3 | 2953 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0845 | 1000 | TR | |
College of Liberal Arts | Hist, Humanities, Intl Studies | CLST1000 | Great Books, East and West | 3 | 1295 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | TR | |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | COM1000 | Intro to Communication Skills | 3 | 1370 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0845 | 1000 | TR | |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | COM2000 | Public Speaking | 3 | 1111 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0845 | 1000 | MW | |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Computer Science & Engineering | CSCI1041 | Digit Literacy Global Society | 3 | 1569 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | TR | |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Computer Science & Engineering | CSCI1041 | Digit Literacy Global Society | 3 | 4638 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | TR | |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Computer Science & Engineering | CSCI1041 | Digit Literacy Global Society | 3 | 5505 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0845 | 1000 | MW | |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Computer Science & Engineering | CSCI1041 | Digit Literacy Global Society | 3 | 5506 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | MW | |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Computer Science & Engineering | CSCI1061 | Mobile Tech for 21st Cent | 3 | 2965 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | MW | |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Computer Science & Engineering | CSCI1611 | Gentle Intro to Programming | 3 | 5371 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0845 | 1000 | TR | |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Computer Science & Engineering | CSCI1911 | Foundations of Programming | 3 | M | 1731 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | TR |
College of Business | Financial Econ & Info Sys. | ECON2010 | Principles of Microeconomics | 3 | 1022 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1545 | 1700 | TR | |
College of Business | Financial Econ & Info Sys. | ECON2010 | Principles of Microeconomics | 3 | 5503 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0845 | 1000 | TR | |
College of Business | Financial Econ & Info Sys. | ECON2015 | Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 | 1148 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1730 | 1845 | MW | |
College of Business | Financial Econ & Info Sys. | ECON2015 | Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 | 4062 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1545 | 1700 | MW | |
College of Business | Financial Econ & Info Sys. | ECON2015 | Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 | 5491 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1915 | 2155 | T | |
College of Liberal Arts | English & Applied Linguistics | ENG2000 | The Art of Literature | 3 | W | 3752 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Computer Science & Engineering | ENGE1000 | Intro to Eng Systems & Prof Pr | 3 | M | 5719 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | ENVS1000 | The Sustainability Challenge | 3 | 5584 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | TR | |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | ENVS2000 | Prin of Environmental Science | 3 | 1049 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | TR | |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | ENVS2001 | Prin of Environmental Sci Lab | 1 | 1575 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0730 | 1130 | W | |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | ENVS2001 | Prin of Environmental Sci Lab | 1 | 1863 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1200 | 1600 | W | |
College of Liberal Arts | Hist, Humanities, Intl Studies | GEOG2000 | Visualizing Human Geography | 3 | W | 2847 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | HAWN1100 | Beginning Hawaiian I | 4 | 1053 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0700 | 0815 | MW | |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | HAWN1100 | Beginning Hawaiian I | 4 | 1563 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0845 | 1000 | MW | |
College of Liberal Arts | Hist, Humanities, Intl Studies | HIST1002 | Global Crossroads 1500 to Pres | 3 | 2901 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | MW | |
College of Liberal Arts | Hist, Humanities, Intl Studies | HIST1401 | Amer. Stories: Themes to 1877 | 3 | 5384 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0845 | 1000 | MW | |
College of Liberal Arts | Hist, Humanities, Intl Studies | HIST1402 | The Amer. Exp. 1865 to Present | 3 | 3410 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | MW | |
College of Liberal Arts | Hist, Humanities, Intl Studies | HIST1558 | Living History of Hawai'i | 3 | 2907 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | MW | |
College of Liberal Arts | Hist, Humanities, Intl Studies | HIST1558 | Living History of Hawai'i | 3 | 2908 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | MW | |
College of Liberal Arts | Hist, Humanities, Intl Studies | HIST1558 | Living History of Hawai'i | 3 | 2909 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1545 | 1700 | MW | |
College of Liberal Arts | Hist, Humanities, Intl Studies | HIST3101 | Greek History to Alexander | 3 | W | 5767 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1800 | 2040 | T |
College of Liberal Arts | Hist, Humanities, Intl Studies | HIST3231 | Europe: the 20th Century | 3 | W | 5739 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | MW |
College of Liberal Arts | Hist, Humanities, Intl Studies | HIST3441 | U.S. History since W.W. II | 3 | W | 5609 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1545 | 1700 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | Hist, Humanities, Intl Studies | HUM1270 | Into to Gender & Women's Stud. | 3 | 2881 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | TR | |
College of Liberal Arts | Hist, Humanities, Intl Studies | INTR1000 | The International System | 3 | 5571 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | MW | |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | JPE1100 | Beginning Japanese I | 3 | 5597 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | TR | |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | MARS1500 | Marine Biology & Global Oceans | 3 | 4700 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | TR | |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Mathematics | MATH1105 | Intermediate Algebra | 3 | M | 1088 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Mathematics | MATH1105 | Intermediate Algebra | 3 | M | 1134 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1730 | 1845 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Mathematics | MATH1123 | Statistics | 3 | 1165 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0845 | 1000 | MW | |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Mathematics | MATH1123 | Statistics | 3 | 1345 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | TR | |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Mathematics | MATH1123 | Statistics | 3 | 3536 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | MW | |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Mathematics | MATH1123 | Statistics | 3 | 4457 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | TR | |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Mathematics | MATH1123 | Statistics | 3 | 5561 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1745 | 1845 | TR | |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Mathematics | MATH1130 | Pre-Calculus I | 3 | M | 1128 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Mathematics | MATH1130 | Pre-Calculus I | 3 | M | 1346 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0845 | 1000 | TR |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Mathematics | MATH1130 | Pre-Calculus I | 3 | M | 3892 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Mathematics | MATH1130 | Pre-Calculus I | 3 | M | 5001 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1815 | 2055 | M |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Mathematics | MATH1130 | Pre-Calculus I | 3 | M | 5562 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Mathematics | MATH1130 | Pre-Calculus I | 3 | M | 4459 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | TR |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Mathematics | MATH1140 | Pre-Calculus II | 3 | M | 2785 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | TR |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Mathematics | MATH1140 | Pre-Calculus II | 3 | M | 5559 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0845 | 1000 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Mathematics | MATH1140 | Pre-Calculus II | 3 | M | 5618 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | TR |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Mathematics | MATH1140 | Pre-Calculus II | 3 | M | 5617 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | TR |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Mathematics | MATH1150 | Pre-Calculus I & II Accel | 3 | M | 1630 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Mathematics | MATH2007 | Mathematics Across the Ages | 3 | M | 5387 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Mathematics | MATH2214 | Calculus I | 3 | M | 2786 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Mathematics | MATH2214 | Calculus I | 3 | M | 5560 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | TR |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Mathematics | MATH2214 | Calculus I | 3 | M | 5716 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Mathematics | MATH2214 | Calculus I | 3 | M | 1130 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | MC3120 | Writing for Digital Media | 3 | W | 5664 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0850 | 1130 | F |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | MC3700 | Creativity and Copywriting | 3 | W | 3742 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0845 | 1000 | MW |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | MC3720 | Audience Behavior | 3 | W | 3746 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | MW |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | MC3900 | News Writing for Kalamalama | 1 | W | 5665 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | |||
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | MC3910 | Podcasting | 3 | W | 5666 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1640 | W |
College of Business | Financial Econ & Info Sys. | MIS2000 | Information Tools for Business | 3 | 2113 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1915 | 2155 | T | |
College of Business | Financial Econ & Info Sys. | MIS2000 | Information Tools for Business | 3 | 2118 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1730 | 1845 | TR | |
College of Business | Financial Econ & Info Sys. | MIS2000 | Information Tools for Business | 3 | 5776 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | MW | |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | MULT1100 | Foundations of Multimedia Prod | 3 | 1795 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | MW | |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | MULT1100 | Foundations of Multimedia Prod | 3 | 4371 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1200 | 1440 | F | |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | MULT2060 | Global Media Studies | 3 | W | 3360 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | MUS1000 | Intro Western Classical Music | 3 | 1339 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0845 | 1000 | TR | |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | MUS1600 | Beginning Hula Performance | 1 | 3187 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | MW | |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | MUS1710 | International Chorale | 1 | Audition Required | 3215 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1800 | 2000 | W |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | MUS2101 | Music in World Culture | 3 | W | 2882 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | MUS3700 | Hawaiian Ensemble | 1 | Audition Required | 5595 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | |||
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | MUS3710 | International Vocal Ensemble | 1 | Audition Required | 1797 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | MUS3720 | Symphony Orchestra | 1 | Audition Required | 2726 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1915 | 2040 | R |
College of Prof Studies | Public Service | PADM1000 | Intro. to Leadership | 3 | 4133 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | TR | |
College of Prof Studies | Public Service | PADM1000 | Intro. to Leadership | 3 | 5603 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | TR | |
College of Health and Society | Public Health | PH2020 | Human Diseases & Conditions | 3 | W | 2310 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0845 | 1145 | MW |
College of Health and Society | Public Health | PH2060 | Comparative Healthcare Systems | 3 | 3081 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1700 | M | |
College of Health and Society | Public Health | PH3050 | Global Health | 3 | W | 2613 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | MW |
College of Health and Society | Public Health | PH3090 | Public Health Communication | 3 | W | 4151 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1330 | T |
College of Health and Society | Public Health | PH3999 | Risk & Resilience | 3 | W | 4803 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1140 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | Hist, Humanities, Intl Studies | PHIL1001 | Philosophies of Hawai'i & Pac. | 3 | 2883 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0845 | 1000 | MW | |
College of Liberal Arts | Hist, Humanities, Intl Studies | PHIL2090 | Principles of Logic | 3 | W | 4085 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | MW |
College of Liberal Arts | Hist, Humanities, Intl Studies | PHIL2500 | Ethics in America | 3 | 4517 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1545 | 1700 | MW | |
College of Liberal Arts | Hist, Humanities, Intl Studies | PHIL3651 | Environmental Ethics | 3 | W | 4312 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | PHYS1020 | Astronomy | 3 | 2951 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1915 | 2155 | T | |
College of Liberal Arts | Hist, Humanities, Intl Studies | PSCI1400 | American Politics | 3 | 2852 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0845 | 1000 | TR | |
College of Liberal Arts | Hist, Humanities, Intl Studies | PSCI1400 | American Politics | 3 | 5569 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | MW | |
College of Liberal Arts | Hist, Humanities, Intl Studies | PSCI2000 | Introduction to Politics | 3 | 5176 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | MW | |
College of Liberal Arts | Psychology | PSY1000 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 | 1975 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1545 | 1700 | MW | |
College of Liberal Arts | Psychology | PSY1000 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 | 5221 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1730 | 1845 | MW | |
College of Liberal Arts | Psychology | PSY1000 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 | 5632 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | TR | |
College of Liberal Arts | Psychology | PSY1100 | Probabilistic Thinking | 3 | 3778 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | TR | |
College of Liberal Arts | Hist, Humanities, Intl Studies | REL1000 | Intro to World Religions | 3 | 3428 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | TR | |
College of Health and Society | Social Work | SOC1000 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 | 3864 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1730 | 2010 | M | |
College of Health and Society | Social Work | SOC1000 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 | 5737 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1640 | R | |
College of Health and Society | Social Work | SOC2600 | Peace Studies | 3 | 2255 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1640 | W | |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | SPAN1100 | Beginning Spanish I | 3 | 5596 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0700 | 0815 | TR | |
College of Health and Society | Social Work | SWRK1010 | Social Sustain Social Work | 3 | 4839 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1640 | ||
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | THEA2000 | Theatre Laboratory | 1 | 4106 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | ||||
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | THEA2000 | Theatre Laboratory | 2 | 4107 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | ||||
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | THEA2320 | Acting I: Basic for Stg & Scr | 3 | 4109 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | MW | |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | THEA2320 | Acting I: Basic for Stg & Scr | 3 | 4110 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | MW | |
College of Liberal Arts | English & Applied Linguistics | WRI1050 | Intro to Academic Writing | 3 | 1131 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0845 | 1000 | TR | |
College of Liberal Arts | English & Applied Linguistics | WRI1100 | Writing & Analyzing Arguments | 3 | 1073 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | MW | |
College of Liberal Arts | English & Applied Linguistics | WRI1100 | Writing & Analyzing Arguments | 3 | 1108 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | MW | |
College of Liberal Arts | English & Applied Linguistics | WRI1100 | Writing & Analyzing Arguments | 3 | 1701 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | MW | |
College of Liberal Arts | English & Applied Linguistics | WRI1100 | Writing & Analyzing Arguments | 3 | 3196 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1730 | 1845 | MW | |
College of Liberal Arts | English & Applied Linguistics | WRI1100 | Writing & Analyzing Arguments | 3 | 3578 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | TR | |
College of Liberal Arts | English & Applied Linguistics | WRI1100 | Writing & Analyzing Arguments | 3 | 4118 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | TR | |
College of Liberal Arts | English & Applied Linguistics | WRI1100 | Writing & Analyzing Arguments | 3 | 5587 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0845 | 1000 | TR |
College of Business | Financial Econ & Info Sys. | ACCT2010 | Principles of Accounting II | 3 | 1019 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1545 | 1700 | MW |
College of Business | Financial Econ & Info Sys. | ACCT3010 | Intermediate Accounting II | 3 | 2807 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1915 | 2155 | M |
College of Business | Financial Econ & Info Sys. | ACCT3350 | Federal Income Tax - Org | 3 | 1109 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | MW |
College of Business | Financial Econ & Info Sys. | ACCT4100 | Auditing | 3 | 3378 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | English & Applied Linguistics | AL3120 | English Sentence Structure | 3 | 1099 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1730 | 1845 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | English & Applied Linguistics | AL3320 | Sociolinguistics | 3 | 5657 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | Hist, Humanities, Intl Studies | ANTH3400 | Anthropology of Food | 3 | 5381 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1545 | 1700 | MW |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | ARTH3711 | Superheroes in Manga & Anime | 3 | 5659 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1545 | 1700 | MW |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | ARTS3051 | Photography | 3 | 4512 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0850 | 1130 | F |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL2032 | Anatomy and Physiology II | 3 | 1215 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | TR |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL2033 | Anatomy and Physiology II Lab | 1 | 1152 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0730 | 1010 | F |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL2041 | Microbes & Human Health Lab | 1 | 5347 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0730 | 1010 | W |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL2052 | General Biology II | 4 | 2095 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL2052 | General Biology II | 4 | 2095 | DTC | F2F | 1030 | 1145 | F | ||
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL2052 | General Biology II | 4 | 5582 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0700 | 0815 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL2052 | General Biology II | 4 | 5582 | DTC | F2F | 0730 | 0820 | F | ||
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL2053 | General Biology II Lab | 1 | 1040 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1800 | 2040 | M |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL2053 | General Biology II Lab | 1 | 1574 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1200 | 1440 | M |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL2053 | General Biology II Lab | 1 | 1668 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1500 | 1740 | M |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL2053 | General Biology II Lab | 1 | 1789 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0730 | 1010 | T |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL2053 | General Biology II Lab | 1 | 2424 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1200 | 1440 | T |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL2053 | General Biology II Lab | 1 | 4876 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1500 | 1740 | T |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL2053 | General Biology II Lab | 1 | 5576 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0730 | 1010 | M |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL2053 | General Biology II Lab | 1 | 5577 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1800 | 2040 | T |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL3030 | Comp Animal Physiology | 3 | 1041 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | TR |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL3031 | Comp Animal Physiology Lab | 1 | 1157 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1530 | 1810 | W |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL3036 | Human Anatomy | 3 | 2286 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0700 | 0815 | TR |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL3037 | Human Anatomy Laboratory | 1 | 4269 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1200 | 1440 | M |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL3054 | Evolutionary Biology | 3 | 1621 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL3060 | Marine Invertebrate Zoology | 3 | 1117 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | TR |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL3061 | Mar Invertebrate Zoology Lab | 1 | 5409 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1200 | 1440 | R |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL3080 | Ecology | 3 | 1043 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | TR |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL3081 | Ecology Laboratory | 1 | 1116 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1200 | 1440 | F |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL3081 | Ecology Laboratory | 1 | 4272 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0830 | 1110 | M |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL3081 | Ecology Laboratory | 1 | 4634 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0830 | 1110 | F |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL3170 | Cell and Molecular Biology | 3 | 2171 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0845 | 1000 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL3171 | Cell and Molecular Biology Lab | 1 | 4273 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1300 | 1540 | F |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL4040 | Environmental Microbiology | 3 | 4926 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0700 | 0815 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL4041 | Environmental Microbiology Lab | 1 | 5410 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0730 | 1010 | R |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL4050 | Developmental Biology | 3 | 5679 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL4220 | Immunology | 3 | 5003 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | BIOL1300 | Nutrition: Eat Smarter | 3 | 4316 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | TR |
College of Business | Management and Marketing | BUS2500 | Mathematics for Business | 3 | 5723 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | TR |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | CHEM2052 | General Chemistry II | 3 | 2175 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0845 | 1000 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | CHEM2052 | General Chemistry II | 3 | 1045 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | CHEM2053 | General Chemistry II Lab | 1 | 1046 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1200 | 1440 | R |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | CHEM2053 | General Chemistry II Lab | 1 | 1293 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1500 | 1740 | R |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | CHEM2053 | General Chemistry II Lab | 1 | 1576 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0730 | 1010 | R |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | CHEM2053 | General Chemistry II Lab | 1 | 4938 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1200 | 1440 | F |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | CHEM2053 | General Chemistry II Lab | 1 | 4941 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1500 | 1740 | F |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | CHEM2053 | General Chemistry II Lab | 1 | 5411 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0730 | 1010 | F |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | CHEM3022 | Physical Chemistry II | 3 | 5613 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | CHEM3023 | Physical Chemistry Laboratory | 1 | 5614 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1300 | 1540 | R |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | CHEM3032 | Organic Chemistry II | 3 | 1047 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1545 | 1700 | TR |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | CHEM3033 | Organic Chemistry II Lab | 1 | 1048 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0830 | 1150 | M |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | CHEM3033 | Organic Chemistry II Lab | 1 | 1143 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1230 | 1600 | M |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | CHEM3033 | Organic Chemistry II Lab | 1 | 3674 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0820 | 1150 | T |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | CHEM3033 | Organic Chemistry II Lab | 1 | 4946 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1210 | 1540 | T |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | CHEM4032 | Biochemistry II | 3 | 1377 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | TR |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | CHEM4033 | Biochemistry II Laboratory | 1 | 1791 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0800 | 1155 | F |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | CHIN1200 | Beginning Mandarin II | 3 | 5198 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | CHIN2200 | Intermediate Mandarin II | 3 | 5199 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | TR |
College of Prof Studies | Public Service | CJ2060 | Justice Systems | 3 | 3829 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | MW |
College of Prof Studies | Public Service | CJ3320 | Corrections: Processes & Prog. | 3 | 4135 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | COM3000 | Mass Media | 3 | 5220 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | COM3200 | Interpersonal Communication | 3 | 5363 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | COM3440 | Advanced Public Speaking | 3 | 1704 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Computer Science & Engineering | CSCI2911 | Computer Science I | 3 | 1017 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | TR |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Computer Science & Engineering | CSCI2913 | Data Structures | 3 | 5373 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | TR |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Computer Science & Engineering | CSCI2916 | Computer Science I Lab | 1 | 1353 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0915 | 1155 | F |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Computer Science & Engineering | CSCI2916 | Computer Science I Lab | 1 | 1635 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1455 | F |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Computer Science & Engineering | CSCI3211 | Systems Analysis | 3 | 5372 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1800 | 2030 | W |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Computer Science & Engineering | CSCI3302 | Mchine Learng & Knwledge Disc | 3 | 5025 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | TR |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Computer Science & Engineering | CSCI3401 | Data Communications | 3 | 1636 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Computer Science & Engineering | CSCI3501 | Computer Organization | 3 | 1138 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0845 | 1000 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Computer Science & Engineering | CSCI3651 | Game Programming | 3 | 5720 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1545 | 1700 | TR |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Computer Science & Engineering | CSCI3731 | Prob Solv and Prog. using C++ | 3 | 5374 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1545 | 1700 | MW |
College of Business | Financial Econ & Info Sys. | ECON3020 | Managerial Economics | 3 | 1028 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | TR |
College of Business | Financial Econ & Info Sys. | ECON3020 | Managerial Economics | 3 | 2384 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1455 | M |
College of Business | Financial Econ & Info Sys. | ECON3400 | Intl Trade and Finance | 3 | 2976 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1915 | 2155 | W |
College of Liberal Arts | English & Applied Linguistics | ENG2100 | Reading Lit, Film, Culture | 3 | 2859 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | MW |
College of Liberal Arts | English & Applied Linguistics | ENG3130 | Pacific-Asia Diaspora Lit | 3 | 5652 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | English & Applied Linguistics | ENG4100 | Shakespeare Seminar | 3 | 5654 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | TR |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Computer Science & Engineering | ENGB3001 | Thermodynamics of Living Sys | 3 | 5036 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1730 | 2000 | M |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Computer Science & Engineering | ENGE2004 | Digital Hardware/Microcont's. | 3 | 5044 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | TR |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Computer Science & Engineering | ENGE2005 | Digital Hardware/Microcont Lab | 1 | 4683 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1640 | R |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Computer Science & Engineering | ENGE3006 | Electromagnetics | 3 | 5047 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | TR |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Computer Science & Engineering | ENGE3007 | Control Systems | 3 | 5051 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Computer Science & Engineering | ENGE3008 | Control Systems Lab | 1 | 5052 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1640 | W |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Computer Science & Engineering | ENGE4999 | Ultrasound Systems | 3 | 5607 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | TR |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Computer Science & Engineering | ENGT3002 | Analytical Biotech | 3 | 5604 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | |||
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | ENVS3010 | Environmental Impact Analysis | 3 | 5412 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | TR |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | ENVS3020 | The Environmental Policy Procs | 3 | 2151 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | ENVS3200 | Photovoltaic Systems Design | 3 | 5413 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | ENVS3400 | Hydrology and Water Resources | 3 | 4954 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | ENVS4060 | GIS2: Spatial Analysis | 3 | 5234 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | TR |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | ENVS4070 | Industrial Ecology | 3 | 5515 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1800 | 2040 | T |
College of Business | Financial Econ & Info Sys. | FIN3000 | Business Finance | 3 | 1201 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1730 | 1845 | MW |
College of Business | Financial Econ & Info Sys. | FIN3000 | Business Finance | 3 | 5726 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | MW |
College of Business | Financial Econ & Info Sys. | FIN3300 | Investments | 3 | 5480 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | FR1200 | Beginning French II | 3 | 5202 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | MW |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | FR2200 | Intermediate French II | 3 | 5524 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | MW |
College of Liberal Arts | Hist, Humanities, Intl Studies | GEOG3700 | Sustainable Cities | 3 | 3758 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1800 | 2040 | W |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | HAWN1200 | Beginning Hawaiian II | 4 | 1054 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | MW |
College of Business | Management and Marketing | HTM3210 | Food and Beverage Management | 3 | 5295 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | MW |
College of Business | Management and Marketing | HTM3220 | Special Events Management | 3 | 5296 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1545 | 1700 | MW |
College of Liberal Arts | Hist, Humanities, Intl Studies | INTR3000 | International Relations | 3 | 4096 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | Hist, Humanities, Intl Studies | INTR3375 | Civ Res and Non-Viol Movements | 3 | 5396 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1800 | 2040 | M |
College of Liberal Arts | Hist, Humanities, Intl Studies | INTR3400 | Int'l Relations of Asia | 3 | 5400 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1800 | 2040 | T |
College of Liberal Arts | Hist, Humanities, Intl Studies | INTR3933 | Contemporary Nations: SE Asia | 3 | 5629 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1545 | 1700 | MW |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | JPE1200 | Beginning Japanese II | 3 | 5200 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0845 | 1000 | MW |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | JPE2200 | Intermediate Japanese II | 3 | 5201 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | MW |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | JPE3200 | Advanced Japanese II | 3 | 5281 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1130 | 1410 | F |
College of Prof Studies | Public Service | LAW3410 | Constitutional Law | 3 | 5648 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | MARS3002 | Ocean Biology | 3 | 1730 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0845 | 1000 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | MARS3003 | Ocean Biology Lab | 1 | 1726 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0730 | 1210 | T |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | MARS3003 | Ocean Biology Lab | 1 | 2715 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1300 | 1800 | T |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | MARS3003 | Ocean Biology Lab | 1 | 4454 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0730 | 1210 | T |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | MARS3003 | Ocean Biology Lab | 1 | 5680 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0730 | 1230 | R |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | MARS3003 | Ocean Biology Lab | 1 | 5681 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0730 | 1230 | R |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | MARS3100 | Maritime Law and Ocean Policy | 3 | 5682 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1545 | 1700 | TR |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | MARS4030 | Marine Mammal Biology | 3 | 5693 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1300 | 1540 | F |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | MARS4070 | Chemical Oceanography | 3 | 3391 | WMC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | MARS4090 | Biological Oceanography | 3 | 3914 | WMC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | MARS4210 | Marine Fisheries & Management | 3 | 5694 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | TR |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Mathematics | MATH2215 | Calculus II | 3 | 1149 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0845 | 1000 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Mathematics | MATH2215 | Calculus II | 3 | 3893 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0845 | 1000 | TR |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Mathematics | MATH2215 | Calculus II | 3 | 5717 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Mathematics | MATH2215 | Calculus II | 3 | 1192 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | TR |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Mathematics | MATH2216 | Calculus III | 3 | 3894 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | TR |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Mathematics | MATH3301 | Discrete Mathematics | 3 | 4919 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1730 | 1845 | TR |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Mathematics | MATH3305 | Linear Algebra | 3 | 3576 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Mathematics | MATH3307 | Differential Equations | 3 | 5062 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Mathematics | MATH3320 | Set Theory | 3 | 5718 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1730 | 1845 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Mathematics | MATH3470 | Applied Statistics | 3 | 5289 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1545 | 1700 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Mathematics | MATH4471 | Appl of Differential Equations | 3 | 5390 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | MC3300 | Social Media | 3 | 4479 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | TR |
College of Business | Management and Marketing | MGMT2000 | Principles of Management | 3 | 1625 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0845 | 1000 | MW |
College of Business | Management and Marketing | MGMT2000 | Principles of Management | 3 | 5488 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1730 | 1845 | MW |
College of Business | Management and Marketing | MGMT2000 | Principles of Management | 3 | 5769 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1915 | 2155 | R |
College of Business | Management and Marketing | MGMT3100 | Bus in Contemporary Society | 3 | 1035 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1730 | 1845 | MW |
College of Business | Management and Marketing | MGMT3300 | Intl Business Management | 3 | 2436 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | MW |
College of Business | Management and Marketing | MGMT3400 | Human Resource Management | 3 | 2437 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1915 | 2155 | R |
College of Business | Financial Econ & Info Sys. | MIS3000 | Foundations of Info Systems | 3 | 2779 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1545 | 1700 | TR |
College of Business | Financial Econ & Info Sys. | MIS3050 | Application Development | 3 | 5729 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1730 | 1845 | TR |
College of Business | Management and Marketing | MKTG3000 | Principles of Marketing | 3 | 3606 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1915 | 2155 | R |
College of Business | Management and Marketing | MKTG3000 | Principles of Marketing | 3 | 5730 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | TR |
College of Business | Management and Marketing | MKTG3420 | International Marketing | 3 | 2820 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1545 | 1700 | TR |
College of Business | Management and Marketing | MKTG4400 | Marketing Management | 3 | 3568 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1730 | 1845 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | MULT2460 | Graphic Design Studio | 3 | 4069 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | MW |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | MULT2460 | Graphic Design Studio | 3 | 5368 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | MULT3475 | Web Interface and Design | 3 | 5183 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | MULT3500 | Cinematography Workshop | 3 | 3455 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1730 | 2010 | R |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | MULT3651 | Game Design | 3 | 5421 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1545 | 1700 | MW |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | MULT3770 | 3D Animation Studio | 3 | 4490 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1545 | 1700 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | MULT4590 | Feature Film Screenwriting | 3 | 4071 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1730 | 2010 | M |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | MUS4000 | Vocal Pedagogy | 3 | 4314 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | MUS4000 | Ochestration | 3 | 5674 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1545 | 1700 | MW |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | PHYS2032 | College Physics II | 3 | 1061 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0845 | 1000 | TR |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | PHYS2033 | College Physics II Lab | 1 | 1062 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1200 | 1440 | M |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | PHYS2033 | College Physics II Lab | 1 | 4960 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1500 | 1740 | M |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | PHYS2052 | General Physics II | 3 | 1145 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0845 | 1000 | TR |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | PHYS2053 | General Physics II Lab | 1 | 1159 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0730 | 1010 | W |
College of Natural/Comp Sci | Natural Sciences | PHYS2053 | General Physics II Lab | 1 | 4964 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1200 | 1440 | W |
College of Liberal Arts | Hist, Humanities, Intl Studies | PSCI3000 | History of Political Thought | 3 | 4473 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1500 | 1740 | F |
College of Liberal Arts | Hist, Humanities, Intl Studies | PSCI3250 | Public Policymaking | 3 | 5611 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | Hist, Humanities, Intl Studies | PSCI3997 | Special Topics in PSCI | 3 | 5612 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | Psychology | PSY2100 | Statistics in Psychology | 4 | 1187 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0845 | 1145 | MW |
College of Liberal Arts | Psychology | PSY3100 | Learning & Cognitive Processes | 3 | 1189 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1545 | 1700 | MW |
College of Liberal Arts | Psychology | PSY3170 | Psychology of Emotion | 3 | 5332 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1545 | 1700 | MW |
College of Liberal Arts | Psychology | PSY3235 | Cross-Cultural Psychology | 3 | 1307 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | MW |
College of Liberal Arts | Psychology | PSY3245 | Group Counseling | 3 | 4478 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | Psychology | PSY3300 | Social Psychology | 3 | 1163 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | Psychology | PSY3310 | Forensic Psychology | 3 | 5127 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | MW |
College of Liberal Arts | Psychology | PSY3340 | Human Sexuality | 3 | 4477 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | Psychology | PSY3400 | Life Span Development Psych | 3 | 1306 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | Psychology | PSY3600 | Abnormal Psychology | 3 | 1570 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | SPAN1200 | Beginning Spanish II | 3 | 5195 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0845 | 1000 | MW |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | SPAN1200 | Beginning Spanish II | 3 | 5196 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | MW |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | SPAN2200 | Intermediate Spanish II | 3 | 5197 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | SPAN3320 | Cult & Lit of Mex & Cent Amer | 3 | 5526 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | THEA3520 | Acting II: Advanced Acting | 3 | 4111 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | MW |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | THEA3620 | Directing | 3 | 4108 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | MW |
College of Liberal Arts | Arts, Comm, Languages, Media | THEA4950 | Theatre Performance | 3 | 5675 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | MW |
College of Liberal Arts | English & Applied Linguistics | WRI1200 | Rsch, Argmt, and Writing | 3 | 1074 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0845 | 1000 | MW |
College of Liberal Arts | English & Applied Linguistics | WRI1200 | Rsch, Argmt, and Writing | 3 | 1076 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | MW |
College of Liberal Arts | English & Applied Linguistics | WRI1200 | Rsch, Argmt, and Writing | 3 | 1078 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | MW |
College of Liberal Arts | English & Applied Linguistics | WRI1200 | Rsch, Argmt, and Writing | 3 | 1079 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | MW |
College of Liberal Arts | English & Applied Linguistics | WRI1200 | Rsch, Argmt, and Writing | 3 | 1080 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1545 | 1700 | MW |
College of Liberal Arts | English & Applied Linguistics | WRI1200 | Rsch, Argmt, and Writing | 3 | 1081 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0845 | 1000 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | English & Applied Linguistics | WRI1200 | Rsch, Argmt, and Writing | 3 | 1082 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | English & Applied Linguistics | WRI1200 | Rsch, Argmt, and Writing | 3 | 1721 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | English & Applied Linguistics | WRI1200 | Rsch, Argmt, and Writing | 3 | 2150 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1400 | 1515 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | English & Applied Linguistics | WRI1200 | Rsch, Argmt, and Writing | 3 | 2165 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1545 | 1700 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | English & Applied Linguistics | WRI1200 | Rsch, Argmt, and Writing | 3 | 4537 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1730 | 1845 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | English & Applied Linguistics | WRI1200 | Rsch, Argmt, and Writing | 3 | 5770 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | English & Applied Linguistics | WRI1200 | Rsch, Argmt, and Writing | 3 | 5589 | HIL | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1030 | 1145 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | English & Applied Linguistics | WRI1250 | Intro. to Research in Hum. | 3 | 2890 | DTC | F2F | |||||
College of Liberal Arts | English & Applied Linguistics | WRI3310 | Poetry Workshop | 3 | 5655 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | TR |
College of Liberal Arts | English & Applied Linguistics | WRI3420 | Grant Writing | 3 | 5429 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 1215 | 1330 | W |
College of Liberal Arts | English & Applied Linguistics | WRI3510 | Composition Studies | 3 | 1083 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 | 0825 | 1020 | F |
College of Liberal Arts | English & Applied Linguistics | WRI3930 | Fresh Perspectives | 1 | 5430 | DTC | F2F | 1/9/2023 | 5/7/2023 |
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- Select the term: Spring 2023
- Enter the course number and CRN number in the Keyword section (for example: MIS 3000, 2152)
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- Visiting students cannot be on the waitlist. If your course is already full, please select another course