Fall 2024: Undergraduate Visiting Student Course List
Undergraduate visiting students have to choose courses from the pre-approved course lists below. If you have any questions, please contact visiting@hpu.edu.
Important Notes
- All international students are required by U.S. immigration regulations to be enrolled full-time. Undergraduate (Bachelor) level students have to enroll in a minimum of 12 credits.
- It is the student's responsibility to make sure the specific requirement(s) of your home university and/or government funding are met. Each university and funding agency has a different requirement and credit number conversion.
- Undergraduate students cannot enroll in graduate courses and vice versa. Students are not able to register for a mix of classes on the graduate and undergraduate levels. Undergraduate level courses are 1000-4999. Graduate level courses are 5000-6999.
- **NORWEGIAN STUDENTS** Lånekassen will typically not approve online or 1000 level courses. You must be enrolled for 15 credits.
- *Prerequisite(s):
Courses marked with a W require English Writing and Research background. Students should be prepared with background knowledge in writing at the university level. It will be assumed that students can critically analyze and interpret academic texts and do some basic research. The class will be writing intensive and may require at least one research paper.
Courses marked with M require Math. Students should be prepared with a basic knowledge of college level pre-algebra and pre-calculus skills. - Courses marked with an asterisk (*) require advanced knowledge of the subject matter, and will require the submission of transcripts or your learning agreement to support readiness for advanced courses.
- To view a full list of pre-requisite requirements for any course, please visit
- ’If you require more detailed course syllabi, please refer to for past course descriptions as a reference (i.e. Fall 2023). Syllabi information for Fall 2024 will be posted closer to the start of the semester.
- **Campus name: DTC (Downtown Campus), HIL (Hawaii Loa Campus), WMC (Waimanalo/Makapu’u campus) You should plan at least 60 minutes between the classes at DTC and HIL.
- Meeting Days ***Monday (M), Tuesday (T), Wednesday (W), Thursday (R), Friday (F) If it shows "TR" it means the course will meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
- A Lab course should be taken with the matched lecture course. For example, "Biochemistry I" + "Biochemistry I Lab."
- Courses numbered from 1000 to 1999 are generally freshman-level courses that, except for two-course sequences, often have no college-level prerequisites. Courses numbered from 2000 to 2999 are generally sophomore courses, many of which have college-level prerequisites. Freshman and sophomore courses are, together, designated as “lower-division.” Courses numbered from 3000 to 4999 are “upper-division” requiring substantial preparation and most often one or more prerequisite classes.
To view courses within the College of Business click
To view courses within the College of Liberal Arts click
To view courses within the College of Natural and Computational Sciences click
To view courses within the College of Professional Studies click
To view courses within the School of Nursing click
Before submitting the course registration, please check the course availability of your chosen courses.
- Open the page
- Select the term: Fall 2024
- Enter the course number and CRN number in the Keyword section (for example: MIS 3000, 2152)
- Select the course title
- Under the Enrollment/Waitlist section, you can see how many seats are currently available for the course
- Visiting students cannot be on the waitlist. If your course is already full, please select another course