Online AP Equivalent Classes 天胆A頭


Online AP Equivalent Classes

For summer 2020 you can take AP equivalent classes 天胆A頭 and earn transferable college credit. Courses are ideal for high school students and are offered in an online format.

When you study online 天胆A頭, you are receiving education from Hawaiʻi’s best online school as ranked by


What you get by taking AP EQUIVALENT courses this summer 天胆A頭:

  • Online course offerings that work with high school and summer schedules
  • Thorough presentation of the material by experienced college faculty
  • Online tutoring available
  • Traditional testing methods
  • Transferable college credit for passing-level work
  • Affordable college credit - only $500 per course (additional course material fees may apply)


Courses are available in two convenient 7-week session options. Because these are college-level courses, students are encouraged to take just one course at a time.

Online AP equivalent courses are offered at a flat rate of $500 per course.

Class registration closed on June 29, 2020. See you next summer for AP classes.

Take care.
student studying online learning


Online AP EQUIVALENT Classes FRom May to AUGUST 2020

Term 7A & 7b: May 11 - August 16, 2020

Summer 2020 14-Week Session Courses


 AP Subject

 HPU Equivalent Course Code and Title

 HPU Credits

 Summer 7A & 7B

 AP Biology

 BIOL 2050/2051: General Biology I & BIOL 2052/2053: General Biology II Lecture and Laboratory


 Summer 7A & 7B

 AP Chemistry

 CHEM 2050/2051: General Chemistry I & CHEM 2052/2053: General Chemistry II Lecture and Laboratory


^^ For chemistry and biology, students need to register for both 7A and 7B in order to receive transcript credit.


Term 7A: May 11 - June 28, 2020

Summer 2020 7-Week Session Courses


 AP Subject

 HPU Equivalent Course Code and Title

 HPU Credits

 Summer 7A

 AP Art History

 ARTH 2301: Topics in World Art History


 Summer 7A

 AP Microeconomics

 ECON 2010: Principles of Microeconomics


 Summer 7A

 AP English Literature & Composition

 ENG 2000: The Art of Literature


 Summer 7A

 AP Human Geography

 GEOG 2000: Visualizing Human Geography


 Summer 7A

 AP World History: Modern

 HIST 1002: Global Crossroads, 1500 to Present


 Summer 7A

 AP United States History

 HIST 1401: American Stories: Themes in American History to 1877


 Summer 7A

 AP Statistics

 MATH 1123: Statistics


 Summer 7A

 AP Calculus AB

 MATH 2214: Calculus I


 Summer 7A

 AP Physics 1

 PHYS 2030/2031: College Physics I with Laboratory


 Summer 7A

 AP Psychology

 PSY 1000: Introduction to Psychology


 Summer 7A

 AP United States Government & Politics

 PSCI 1400: American Political System


 Summer 7A

 AP Comparative Government & Politics

 PSCI 2000: Introduction to Politics


 Summer 7A

 AP Spanish Language & Culture

 SPAN 2200: Intermediate Spanish II


 Summer 7A

 AP English Language & Composition

 WRI 1100: Analyzing and Writing Arguments




Term 7B: June 29 - August 16, 2020

Summer 2020 7-Week Session Courses


 AP Subject

 HPU Equivalent Course Code and Title

 HPU Credits

 Summer 7B

 AP Computer Science Principles

 CSCI 1611: A Gentle Introduction to Programming


 Summer 7B

 AP Computer Science A

 CSCI 2911/2916: Computer Science I with Laboratory


 Summer 7B

 AP Microeconomics

 ECON 2010: Principles of Microeconomics


 Summer 7B

 AP Macroeconomics

 ECON 2015: Principles of Macroeconomics


 Summer 7B

 AP World History: Modern

 HIST 1002: Global Crossroads, 1500 to Present


 Summer 7B

 AP Calculus BC

 MATH 2215: Calculus II


 Summer 7B

 AP Physics 2

 PHYS 2032/2033: College Physics II with Laboratory


 Summer 7B

 AP United States Government & Politics

 PSCI 1400: American Political System


 Summer 7B

 AP Comparative Government & Politics

 PSCI 2000: Introduction to Politics


 Summer 7B

 AP English Language & Composition

 WRI 1100: Analyzing and Writing Arguments




Additional online classes that may be of interest to high school students:


 HPU Course


 Summer 7A

 MATH 1130: Pre-Calculus I


 Summer 7B

 MATH 1140: Pre-Calculus II


 * Each course is $500 billed to your student account, and additional charges for textbook materials may apply.




“Our vision is to lead in innovative higher education, and we believe in affordability and accessibility to education. We are pleased to expand our curriculum with this new online program, serving the educational needs of high schoolers in Hawai‘i and beyond. - HPU President John Gotanda