2022 ‘A Day in the Life Å·ÃÀAƬ’ Video Contest


2022 ‘A Day in the Life Å·ÃÀAƬ’ Video Contest

Congratulations to the winners of our “A Day in the Life Å·ÃÀAƬ” Video Contest and to everyone who submitted a video!

What does a day in the life of a Hawaii Pacific Å·ÃÀAƬ student look like? Create a short video about your experience as an undergraduate or graduate student for a chance to win some awesome prizes.

In a 1 ½ - 3 minute video, showcase campus life, academics, local culture, the Oahu landscape, fun times with friends, hobbies, and anything else related to your university experience. Entries are welcome in any genre or shooting style, but must be submitted in the format below.


All eligible entrants will receive an original HPU tee and a chance to win: 

1st place: $200 Amazon Gift Card

2nd place: $125 Amazon Gift Card

3rd place: $75 Amazon Gift Card

Video format:

  • Length: 90 seconds minimum – 3 minutes max
  • Aspect ratio: 1920x1080 **must be landscape. You can include portrait orientation video clips, but the final video must be in landscape
  • File type: .mp4
  • Codec: .h264
  • Get creative! Narration, music, graphics - it’s all welcomed and encouraged! 
  • Music used in videos must be either free or purchased to avoid copyright infringements.

How to submit your video

Email ucomm@hpu.edu with your name, student ID number, and link to the video. We recommend uploading your video through Google Drive, WeTransfer, Dropbox, Vimeo, or YouTube.


June 15, 2022




Videos will be judged on creativity, story telling, and originality by the HPU Marketing and Communications team.

HPU photo and video campaigns are open to all HPU members. By submitting a photo or video for consideration, the entrant certifies that the photo/video is their original work and does not violate any laws. 

Entries must meet all copyright standards. Videos should include free, original or purchased music and audio. Entries that include copyrighted materials without the proper permission will be disqualified. 

HPU reserves the right to reject any entry at its discretion if it is deemed inappropriate, or endorses illegal or questionable activities. HPU values the safety of our students, paramount to anything else and does not condone dangerous activity that may be harmful to the entrant or others. Any such submissions will not be reviewed for consideration of any prizes. 

By submitting a photo or video, the entrant acknowledges and agrees that their work may be shared via HPU’s main Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram channels, website, or via other HPU communications, including electronic and written and other means.  The work may also be edited and used in partial amounts from the original video.

Winners  may be asked to provide raw footage (with no stylized edits, transitions, coloring, etc.) for use as promotional material for the university. 

Winners will be asked that any persons in their video grant written permission for HPU to use their likeness or images in promotional videos for the university. 

The entrant understands that there will be no financial compensation for their submission or HPU’s use of their work, other than the available prizes listed above which shall be awarded as set forth below. By submitting any work or materials, the entrant is authorizing HPU to repost and share their content, if so selected, with the understanding that content will be attributed to the person that submitted the work or materials.  

If a prize is offered, HPU will contact the person who submitted the winning work via email. Winners must supply their mailing address for receipt of the prize within two weeks of notification. Questions can be directed to HPU’s Communications and Marketing Office (ucomm@hpu.edu).

All winners are responsible for complying with applicable law regarding income tax reporting for all prizes. The value of any prize may be reported to the IRS as required by law.

Prizes with a value of $75 or more AND any gift card or gift certificate prizes with an express cash value will be included in income and reported on the employee’s Form W-2 for the year, where applicable.

Winning Videos