Leadership Education and Development Series


Leadership Education and Development Series

HPU’s Leadership Education and Development Series (L.E.A.D.S.) is a leadership training program designed to help students learn more about themselves as emerging leaders, discover their leadership potential, and prepare their professional portfolio. The Leadership in Service Track will provide an experiential leadership learning environment from a service perspective.  The Student Organization Leadership Track is for current officers of a student organization or other representative student group.  The Student Employment Track is for students who are currently employed. Participating students will build their foundations and gain insight in the following areas:

  • Leadership style and skills
  • Professional skills and portfolio
  • Networking and relationship building

Participants in the HPU L.E.A.D.S. program must participate in a prescribed list of events and complete the assignments by early April.  Those who complete the program and fulfill the requirements will be recognized at the Light Up the Night reception for student leaders in late April. To register for this program, email leadership@hpu.edu from your HPU email account.