Covid-19 Information


Covid-19 Information

UPDATED MONDAY: January 23, 2023



If at any time you are not feeling well, especially when you have known COVID-19 symptoms, please stay home until you feel better and consult with a medical provider. Let your instructor or supervisor know of your absence and follow their instructions for coursework or work responsibilities. 





General On-Campus Health Services Resource Information is posted here.  


AUGUST 16, 2022




Aloha Students,


HPU looks forward to welcoming you to campus, ready to start the 2022-23 academic year.  We are reaching out to share what you should expect for the fall semester as it relates to COVID-19 protocols.  

Over the summer, the Å·ÃÀAƬ continued to monitor COVID-related guidance from local, state, and federal offices. Institutions of higher education are entering the Fall with two years of hard-won experience with COVID-19.  Safe and effective vaccines, antivirals, monoclonal antibodies, and prophylactic medications have significantly improved the management of COVID-19.  While we must continue our practice of being pono and supporting a healthy and safe campus environment, we can now modify some of our protocols as we move forward together.



  • HPU strongly recommends that students, faculty, staff, and visitors remain up to date on COVID-19 vaccinations and encourages individuals with questions about the vaccine to check with a health care provider. 
  • Vaccinations may be required for students, faculty, and staff engaged in activities at a third-party clinical, practicum, or other host site mandating vaccination.
  • HPU will continue to assist individuals who, because of sincerely held religious beliefs or medical reasons, are seeking reasonable accommodations to vaccination requirements imposed by a third-party clinical, practicum, or other host sites. The form to request medical or religious exemption is posted here.   



  • Face coverings are encouraged, especially when working closely with others, but not generally required on campus. However, individual faculty members may require the wearing of face-coverings in the classroom setting. In that event, students in those classes are expected to comply with the faculty member’s directive. 
  • Consistent with guidance issued by the Hawai‘i State Department of Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, American College Health Association, face coverings may also be required at certain events and as part of contact tracing directives. For example, vaccinated students who are notified they have come in close contact with a COVID-19 positive individual are not required to quarantine, but must wear a face covering for ten days following the contact and take a COVID-19 test per the Hawai‘i State Department of Health.


Classroom Air Filtration

  • HPU will continue to maintain classroom environments with MERV13 air filters or medical-grade air cleaners with HEPA filters and germicidal UVGI lights that kill the coronavirus and circulate healthy air.   


Stay Home When Sick 

  • Any time you are not feeling well, especially when you have known COVID-19 symptoms, stay home until you feel better and consult with a medical provider.
  • HPU encourages individuals with COVID symptoms to test in consideration of others. 
  • Keep your faculty informed of absence due to illness.


COVID Testing

  • The Health Services Center at Aloha Tower Marketplace, Ste. 1315 is available to administer COVID tests. For more information, click here.   


Reporting if COVID Positive 

  • If you test positive for COVID, please continue to notify HPU Security (Joe Tillotson) at or 808-236-3597. The contact tracing team will notify the Provost of any need for proof of an approved absence.
  • Follow all instructions with regard to isolation and testing. 
  • If you are fully vaccinated and notified of being in close contact with a COVID-19-positive individual, you are not required to isolate but must wear a face covering for ten days following the contact and must take a COVID-19 test.  


As we move forward together, we ask for your continued cooperation. We must each do our part, showing care, concern, and respect for one another to keep our campus community healthy and safe.    

We understand that this continues to be a challenging time and remind you that HPU’s Counseling and Behavioral Health Services team provides free and confidential services to students. HPU students also have access to the Health Services Office at Aloha Tower Marketplace, during the fall and spring semesters, through a third-party provider, SP Health Clinic.

Your HPU staff and faculty stand ready to assist and support you and wish you a productive and successful 2022-2023 academic year.  


Marites McKee

Dean of Students