Leadership and Involvement


Leadership and Involvement

We are passionate about providing a fun, unique and engaging experience to new students - but we can't do it alone! That's why our office hires staff and accepts volunteers for various programming initiatives throughout the year. If you want to be a member of our team and help create amazing opportunities for first year HPU sharks, look through the links below!

Peer Mentors

Our Peer Mentors are part-time positions that engage with freshman students all year. This position begins with training in mid-August, and lasts through the end of the academic year in April.

Orientation Leaders

Orientation Leaders are student volunteers that assist during Passport Week in August. This role begins with training in August and ends once Passport Week has completed.

Contact the Office of First Year Experience!

Phone: 808-544-0277

Email: readysetgo@hpu.edu

Address: 1 Aloha Tower Drive, Honolulu, HI 96813