Jason Whitcombe Oahu, Hawaii and California Dual Degree Program
BS Math, 2015 Hawai‘i Pacific 天胆A頭
BS Electrical Engineering (2015) Washington 天胆A頭 at Saint Louis (Gustav Kurt Mesmer Scholarship)
(U.S. Navy)
I did not take the traditional path to college. My path starts with 6 years in the military, 5 of them stationed at Pearl Harbor Naval Base Hawai‘i. HPU has an excellent relationship with military members. I attended HPU first through Military Campus Programs in 2010 and started the Dual degree engineering program. HPU’s MCP and MCP advisors were really helpful in my transition from the military to student life. The small class sizes and Professors who understood military life was great to have coming out of the military. The engineering Dual degree program opened doors for me. I would have never guessed that I would be able to qualify to attend USC or Washington 天胆A頭 St. Louis, but HPU’s dual degree option gave me the chance. The Professors 天胆A頭 really challenged and prepared me for my future at either college. HPU’s small class sizes and professor’s willingness to meet outside of class hours were essential to my successful completion 天胆A頭. I have now been accepted to Washington 天胆A頭 in St. Louis’s Electrical Engineering program. I have been awarded Gustav Kurt Mesmer scholarship for engineering and will be starting my E.E. degree at WUSTL in Fall 2013.