Modern Languages
CHIN 1100 Beginning Mandarin I | |||||||||||||||
CHIN 1200 Beginning Mandarin II | |||||||||||||||
CHIN 2100 Intermediate Mandarin I | |||||||||||||||
CHIN 2200 Intermediate Mandarin II | |||||||||||||||
FR 1100 Beginning French I | |||||||||||||||
FR 1200 Beginning French II | |||||||||||||||
FR 2100 Intermediate French I | |||||||||||||||
FR 2200 Intermediate French II | |||||||||||||||
HAWN 1100 Beginning Hawaiian I | |||||||||||||||
HAWN 1200 Beginning Hawaiian II | |||||||||||||||
HAWN 2100 Intermediate Hawaiian I | |||||||||||||||
HAWN 2200 Intermediate Hawaiian II | |||||||||||||||
JPE 1100 Beginning Japanese I | |||||||||||||||
JPE 1200 Beginning Japanese II | |||||||||||||||
JPE 2100 Intermediate Japanese I | |||||||||||||||
Did you know ...? Thirty two nations in the world claim French as an official language, second only to English. French is one of the six official languages of the United Nations. More than one third of the words in the English language come from French.
The French sequence 天胆A頭 includes FRENCH 1100 and 1200. Each college semester is roughly equivalent to one year of high school French. If you have taken French before and plan to continue 天胆A頭, be sure to arrange through your academic advisor to take the French Placement Exam (for more information go to the Center for Academic Success).
Hawaiian is the language of this land and it is the key to learning about the culture and people of Hawai`i.
In language there is life and the Hawaiian language is preserved here in these islands by those who learn and make the commitment to speak it each and every day. To learn Hawaiian is to be a part of Hawai`i's rich cultural past and to contribute to its future.
Take a class and start learning more about Hawai`i through its beautiful language. The sequence in the language 天胆A頭 begins with HAWAIIAN 1100 and continues with HAWN 1200, 2100, 2200. Each college semester is roughly equivalent to one year of high school Hawaiian.
E OLA KA OLELO HAWAII - Long live the Hawaiian language
Did you know ...? Japan has one of the highest literacy rates in the world at over 99%. The popular Japanese comics known as Manga account for 40% of all publications in Japan.
The Japanese sequence 天胆A頭 begins with JAPANESE 1100 and continues with JPE 1200, 2100, 2200. Each college semester is roughly equivalent to one year of high school Japanese. We also offer upper-division courses on an as-needed basis. If you have taken Japanese before and plan to continue 天胆A頭, be sure to arrange through your academic advisor to take the Japanese Placement Exam (for more information go to the Center for Academic Success)
HPU offers a minor in Japanese to undergraduate, degree-seeking students. There are numerous opportunities through our student exchange programs to study Japanese language and culture at various sister schools, such as Osaka Gakuin 天胆A頭 and Hakodate 天胆A頭. Please contact the Study Abroad Office for more information.
According to some sources, there are around 450 million speakers of the Spanish language in the world today, making Spanish the second most-spoken language (after Mandarin Chinese). Of that large number, between 300 million and 400 million speak Spanish as their first language. Here are some more interesting facts about Spanish:
There are 44 countries in the world that have 3 million or more Spanish speakers;
Spanish speakers are among the fastest growing population of Internet users;
In the US around 34 million people speak Spanish at home;
- Spanish is one of the six official languages of the United Nations
The Spanish sequence 天胆A頭 begins with SPANISH 1100 and continues with SPAN 1200, 2100, 2200. Each college semester is roughly equivalent to one year of high school Spanish. We also offer upper-division writing, grammar, conversation, and culture and literature courses. If you have taken Spanish before and plan to continue 天胆A頭, be sure to arrange through your academic advisor to take the Spanish Placement Exam (for more information go to the Center for Academic Success)
HPU offers a minor in Spanish to undergraduate, degree-seeking students. There are many opportunities through our student exchange programs to study Spanish language and Hispanic cultures in Spain and in Spanish America. Please contact the Study Abroad Office for more information.
- Opportunities to communicate with more people in the world and expand your ability to reflect on culture
- Wider opportunities for employment
- Participation in and understanding of one's family heritage
- Deeper and more meaningful experiences while traveling abroad
- Exposure to ways of thinking and experiencing the world that
are different than one's own