Women Lead the Way


Women Lead the Way

learning commons

With a student body that is nearly two-thirds female, Hawaiʻi Pacific Å·ÃÀAƬ is educating and mentoring the next generation of women leaders through a new Women’s Executive Leadership Council. Launched by Dr. Jennifer Walsh, the program matches talented students with trail-blazing female executives to open more doors for emerging female leaders.

“HPU is known for its commitment to innovative student programming, and creating our new Women’s Executive Leadership Council is yet another example of how we’re leading the way in experiential learning,” said Provost Walsh.

Among the set of leading women executives from business, government and more are five HPU alumnae. HPU Trustee Leyla Dedrick, Bettina Mehnert ’03, Jill Castilla ’96, Naomi Hazelton ’05 and Christine Lanning ’04 have all committed to mentor, counsel and help navigate pathways for HPU’s female students to reach their full potential.

Launching this fall, students will participate in one-on-one meetings with council members and engage in a monthly dinner series. HPU will invite a new cohort of students and mentors to participate in the Women’s Leadership Council each year.

“As an alumna and Trustee, it’s encouraging to see all of the ways HPU is supporting our future women executives and providing them with the tools they need for success,” said Dedrick. “I’m excited to work one-on-one with these young women to serve as a mentor, resource and support system.”

HPU currently enrolls nearly 3,000 undergraduate women each year – a quarter of whom matriculate from Hawaiʻi high schools.

For more information about HPU’s Women’s Executive Leadership Council or to nominate a student, please contact Rachel Wyman, Associate Director of Development, at rwyman@hpu.edu.