Admitted Student Events - Spring 2020


Admitted Student Events - Spring 2020

Each year, the HPU Admissions Staff travels across the country in search of the next great shiver of Sharks. But, they will be the first to say, “it takes a village”. The Office of Alumni Relations is putting a call out to all alumni that are able to assist the Admissions Staff with recruitment by joining them for one or more of the Admitted Student Receptions scheduled this spring. During the receptions, we ask that you share your HPU experience with admitted students and their families. If you are able to join us, please RSVP using the form below at least one week prior to the reception date.

3/14/2020  1:30 PM   Bethesda, MD 
3/21/2020  1:30 PM   San Jose, CA  
3/22/2020  1:30 PM   Long Beach, CA  
3/28/2020  1:30 PM   Costa Mesa, CA 
4/4/2020  1:30 PM   San Francisco, CA 
4/4/2020  1:30 PM   Atlanta, GA 
4/5/2020  1:30 PM   San Diego, CA
4/5/2020  1:30 PM   Sunrise, FL