Professor Matt LoPresti took students from two of his classes (PHIL 3651 & PSCI 3000) to the State Capitol this semester to meet with lawmakers and learn about the legislative process and internship opportunities. Students were taught how to effectively apply course content in environmental ethics or theories of justice and liberty to a variety of proposed bills at the legislature. Ultimately, students were empowered to return on their own for class credit to provide in-person testimony before various legislative committees, putting philosophical and ethical theories covered in class into practice.
If HPU students are interested in similar educational experiences for course credit, Environmental Ethics (PHIL 3651) is an Upper Division General Education course and History of Political Thought (PSCI 3000) counts for a variety of majors an as an upper division elective class. They are taught every Spring Semester.Campus Life
Special to The 'Ohana
April 18, 2023
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