Will parking be available at Waterfront Plaza and will there be reduced rates?

  • We will have an allotment of parking spaces at Waterfront Plaza, and we also have parking at Piers 5 and 6. We are looking into the rate options and reviewing our parking policies. Full details will come soon.

  • From ATM to Waterfront Plaza, it’s only an 8-minute walk along a paved path. We are also looking into Biki arrangements for transportation along Ala Moana Boulevard.

Will office space at Waterfront Plaza be designed to ensure FERPA compliance?

  • While FERPA applies mainly to documents, the DOE has found violations if a faculty or staff member discloses personally identifiable information (PII) learned solely from a student’s educational record. It is important to remember that FERPA does not protect the confidentiality of information in general, and, therefore, does not apply to the disclosure of information derived from a source other than education records.  As a general rule, information that is obtained through personal knowledge or observation, and not from an education record, is not protected from disclosure under FERPA.

  • Note that PII can be disclosed with the permission of a student. Thus, if a student consents to have a conversation in a hallway or other open space, then there is no FERPA violation. That said, for confidentiality reasons we would encourage a private meeting space for sensitive conversations.

  • Should a staff member’s response require information to be revealed from a record, service centers can be arranged to permit some distance from counter conversations. Staff should always be encouraged to use confidential meeting spaces as appropriate.

  • In addressing an open office layout, the major focus for the facilities team will be on the protection and security of files and digital assets.  To ensure the security of digital files, we expect IT to encourage employees to take appropriate measures.

  • Our two architectural firms, Perkins+Will and G70, understand the need for spaces that faculty and staff can have private conversations with students, and they will design our new facilities accordingly.

  • Throughout our planning and build-out process, we welcome your questions, comments


    participation. More details on collaborative planning will come soon.

Will private meeting space be provided for meeting in confidence?

  • Student and counselor meeting spaces are shown in red on the level 1, building 5 drawing here. While the student services center is going through the design process, it is envisioned that there will be spaces for private conversations, perhaps similar to the “pods” in the college of business.