Kahanaiki Workday
March 15, 2025
09:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Kahanaiki 917 Kalaniana'ole Hwy Kailua, HI
Contacts: Aubree Woods (aubree.woods@lejardinacademy.org) and Joel Saito (joel.saito@lejardinacademy.org) for questions.,
Kahanaiki is a ~3-acre restoration site in Kawainui, managed by Le Jardin Academy and DLNR since January 2021. Students clear invasives, plant natives, and maintain it as an educational garden and outdoor classroom. This partnership aims to restore ecosystems, connect the community, and promote environmental education.
Meeting Logistics: Meet at the DLNR parking lot on the makai side of Kapaʻa Quarry Road, 200 ft from Kalanianaʻole Hwy. Arrive by 8:50 AM. No facilities available.
Nā Pōhaku o Hauwahine is an ~8-acre site managed by DLNR and Ahahui Mālama i Ka Lōkahi, partnered with Le Jardin Academy since 2018.
Meeting Logistics: Meet at the Nā Pōhaku o Hauwahine parking lot. Carpool recommended due to limited parking. Shuttle system may be set up for high volunteer numbers.
About Kawainui: Historically the second-largest fishpond in Hawaiʻi, now a RAMSAR protected wetland. Workdays involve weeding, planting natives, and maintaining trails. Tools provided. Be prepared to get muddy.
Please bring:
Signed waiver
Full water bottle(s)
Closed-toed shoes/boots
Gloves (if available)
Long sleeves and pants recommended
Note: Community events are shared for awareness but are not necessarily sponsored or endorsed by HPU.
Target Audience:
- Families
- Faculty/Staff
- Students
Admission Cost: FREE
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