Honolulu Rose Society's Spring Rose Exhibition
March 29, 2025
10:00 AM - 02:00 PM
Kahala Mall - Between Macy's and Longs 4211 Waialae Avenue Honolulu, HI (808) 732-7736
Honolulu Rose Society - Myrna Cariaga, honolulurosesociety@gmail.com, (808) 542-6607,
"Stop and Smell the Roses" at the Honolulu Rose Society's Spring Rose Exhibition. Bring your garden samples to help them diagnose your rose care challenges. Vote for your favorite rose in the Most Fragrant Rose contest.
Note: Community events are shared for awareness but are not necessarily sponsored or endorsed by HPU.
Target Audience:
- Families
- Faculty/Staff
- Students
Admission Cost: FREE
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