Kū Haʻaheo (Live Music)
December 10, 2024
04:30 PM - 06:00 PM
Waikiki Beach Walk (226 Lewers St Honolulu, HI)
Ku Ha`aheo is a free, live, Hawaiian music concert headlined by the award-winning musical duo, Blaine Kia and Kalei Kahalewai known as KAMANAWA. Accompanying KAMANAWA is Blaine Kia’s family and hula organization or hālau hula, called Halau Ka Waikahe Lani Malie. The show is comprised of traditional and classic dances of the hula art form and is truly a heartfelt show rooted in sharing the spirit of Aloha!
Note: Community events are shared for awareness but are not necessarily sponsored or endorsed by HPU.
Target Audience:
- Families
- Faculty/Staff
- Students
Admission Cost: FREE
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