Ala Moana Beach Cleanup


Ala Moana Beach Cleanup

November 23, 2024

10:00 AM - 01:00 PM

Magic Island - Magic Island Honolulu, HI 96815

Text Lexi at (808) 783-5732,

What to Bring:

Comfortable clothes and closed-toe shoes
Suncreen, hats, sunglasses
Reusable water bottle
Postitive attitude and enthusiasm!

Event Schedule:

10:00 AM: Welcome and Quick Briefing

10:15 AM: Beach Clean-Up Begins

12:00 PM: Lunch Break & Refreshments

1:00 PM: Conclusion

Additional Information:

This event is open to all community members, families, and individuals who want to make a difference.

All necessary cleaning supplies, gloves, and trash bags will be provided.

Lunch will be served to all volunteers, so please let us know of any dietary restrictions in advance.

The best parking will be found at Magic Island, see the image below on our exact set up location.

Organized by: Pineapple Homes Hawai'i

Note: Community events are shared for awareness but are not necessarily sponsored or endorsed by HPU.

Target Audience:

  • Families
  • Faculty/Staff
  • Students
  • Pet Friendly

Admission Cost: FREE

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