4th Annual Sea Turtle Workshop Å·ÃÀAƬ


4th Annual Sea Turtle Workshop Å·ÃÀAƬ

October 04, 2024

08:00 AM - 02:00 PM

ATM, MPR3 and via Zoom

George Balazs, itsahonuworldinhawaii@hotmail.com

All are warmly invited to attend the 4th annual Turtle Workshop at Hawaiʻi Pacific Å·ÃÀAƬ.

The 2024 workshop is titled "Signals of Carrying Capacity from Green Turtles in Hawaiʻi: Sifting the Wheat from the Chaff," and its goal is to stimulate interest and action in finding answers to puzzling important questions relevant to the conservation status of Hawaiʻi's green turtle population.


Registration requested at:


Program agenda:

7:45 am-8:30 am Registration Sign-In, Coffee & Pastries


8:30 am-8:45 am Start of Zoom, 

Welcome and Ceremonial Hawaiian Blessing of Attendees & Turtles 


8:45-9 am #1- Why this workshop? Puzzling important questions about the conservation status of Hawaiian Honu and their Ecosystem- George Balazs 


9-9:15 am #2- The theory and math of modelling carrying capacity- Dr. David Hyrenbach 


9:15-9:30 am #3- The origins of ECOPATH and its application to the Kaloko-Honokohau marine ecosystem- Dr. Jeffrey Polovina


9:30-9:45 am #4- Estimating carrying capacity at the green turtle nesting beach of East Island, French Frigate Shoals (Lalo)- Dr. Manjula Tiwari


9:45-10 am #5- Tiger shark research in Hawaii- Dr. Kim Holland


10-10:30am- Break and Group Photo in Courtyard


10:30-10:45 am #6- Kauai's honu phenomenon: the crossroads of coexistence- Dr. Lisa Harrington and Deborah Herrera


10:45-11 am #7- Corpulent or malnourished? Depends on where the world's most abundant large marine herbivores live- Dr. Milani Chaloupka


11-11:15 am #8- A summary of green turtle growth rates and residency durations at three long-term study sites in West Hawaii- Laura Jim 


11:15-11:30 am #9- Necropsy shows low body condition in turtles from Kona versus other sites in Hawaii- Dr. Thierry Work


11:30-11:45 am #10- Balancing marine life: towards managing green turtles and seagrass ecosystems in Okinawa, Japan- Dr. Tomoko Hamabata


11:45am-2 pm Box/Bag Lunch in Meeting Room with Facilitated Group Discussions, Questions & Answers Striving to ...'Sift the Wheat from the Chaff.' 


2 pm Closing- Follow-ups and Farewell until our HPU 5th Workshop.

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