The Ko'olau Writers Series presents: Jessica Machado


The Ko'olau Writers Series presents: Jessica Machado

January 19, 2023

12:15 PM - 01:30 PM

HPU - WP6-303

Tyler McMahon,

The Ko`olau Writers Series presents: Jessica Machado, author of Local, a memoir.

Interwoven with a rich and nuanced exploration of Hawaiian history and traditions, Local is a personal and moving narrative about family, grief, and reconnecting to the land she tried to leave behind.

Jessica Machado is an editor at NBC News. Previously, she was a staff editor at Vox, The Daily Dot, and Rolling Stone. Her work has appeared in the Washington Post, the Cut, BuzzFeed, Vice, and Elle, among others. Born and raised in Hawai‘i, she currently lives in Brooklyn, New York.

“Machado’s narrative hums with raw emotion, as she writes of rejecting the idealized island girl stereotype, and as an adult, seeking a connection to her ancestors…a luminous coming-of-age portrait.”—Publishers Weekly

A Reading and Conversation

Thursday January 1912:15WP6 - 303

Pizza will be served!

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