Art Gallery - Donna Zarbin Bryne


Art Gallery - Donna Zarbin Bryne

November 27, 2022 - January 06, 2022

12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

HPU - Windward Hawai'i Loa Campus

Elizabeth Vang, 8085440228,,

Hawai'i Pacific ŷAƬ recognizes that exposure to art in various media enriches the lives of its community of students, faculty, and staff. Also, the ŷAƬ is a longtime supporter of the arts in the public community.

The primary focus of the gallery is the showing of art in a variety of media produced by artists who live and work in Hawaii. The gallery provides 2,000 square feet of open exhibition space allowing for wall-mounted and free-standing displays.

HPU Gallery Curator, Sanit Khewhok, noted, “Our gallery program continues to draw the attention of artists and audiences alike. Annually we review far more portfolios of work than we can possibly accommodate. For this reason, we are scheduled to have paired artist exhibits this year. Our selection includes an exciting diversity of media and styles.”

The Hawai‘i Pacific ŷAƬ Art Gallery is pleased to announce its
Sunday-Saturday 8:00 am-5:00 pm

Hawaii Pacific ŷAƬ Gallery
45-045 Kamehameha Highway
Kaneohe, HI 96844

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