Hookups, Breakups, and Healthy Relationships: Your Field Guide


Hookups, Breakups, and Healthy Relationships: Your Field Guide

February 12, 2021

07:00 PM - 08:00 PM


Office of Student Activities, studentlife@hpu.edu

Relationships of all kinds are in store for you during your time in college. Sexologist, Dr. Megan Stubbs, will share why they are important to not only your social development, but your academic success. From hookups to breakups and everything in between, there is something for everyone to learn. Students will be able to discuss at least three different ways relationships help their college life, identify red flags in an unhealthy relationship, discuss the priority of their own personal needs, identify people in their lives who are in their corner, and list resources they need to succeed during their college career. Click on the following Zoom link to participate.

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Meeting ID: 852 0410 3149
Passcode: 757631

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