Journalist Turn Comedian - Chloe Hilliard
November 06, 2020
07:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Office of Student Activities,
F**k Your Diet!
The perfect mix of cultural commentary, conspiracies, and confessions, F*ck Your Diet pokes fun at the all too familiar, misguided quest for better health, permanent weight loss, and a sense of self-worth. is a larger-than-life comedian. Born in Brooklyn, NY and raised in a large Hasidic Jewish neighborhood, Chloé has spun her unique experiences into side splitting laughs. As a journalist-turn-comedian, Chloé Hilliard is entertaining the masses with her wit and ability to find the humor in everything. Students who attend and complete the event survey will be entered at a chance to win a prize valued at $80! Funded by the Student Activity Fee.
Friday, November 6th at 7pm
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