An Insiders View of the Supreme Court
October 22, 2020
12:00 PM - 01:30 PM
Student Government Association,
Student Government Association (SGA) and the College of Liberal Arts invite you to “An Insider's View of the Supreme Court.” This virtual event will feature a discussion between Villanova’s Professor of Law, Steven L. Chaneson and HPU’s President, John Gotanda.
The discussion topics will focus on the role of the United States Supreme Court, the types of cases it decides (including how cases get to the Court and how the Court decides on cases), the justices (including their backgrounds, and how in a number of cases, their views changed), and current political issues, such as court packing and non-renewable limited terms (i.e. no life tenure). There will be an open forum Q and A so please come with your questions and ready to participate.
“An Insider’s View of the Supreme Court”
Thursday, Oct 22, 2020
12:00 – 1:30 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
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Meeting ID: 834 3778 9335
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Student attendees will receive a Hitalian Ice voucher upon completion of an optional survey. Funded by the Student Activity Fee. Emailsga@my.hpu.eduwith any questions you may have.
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