BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//HH//NONSGML Cascade Server//EN VERSION:2.0 X-WR-CALNAME:Safe Zone Training X-WR-TIMEZONE:Pacific/Honolulu X-WR-CALDESC:Aloha Sharks! As part of LGBTQ+ Month and HPU’s PRIDE Cele bration\, Title IX Office invites you to participate in our Safe Zone/Ally Training. The training provides the skills\, knowledge\, and resources ne cessary to create a safer\, more welcoming\, and inclusive campus environm ent. The opportunity to engage in dialogue will strengthen our community a nd encourage a supportive network of students\, faculty\, and staff for th ose in the LGBTQ+ community. Participants will: • Learn about issues that face the LGBTQ+ community • Understand ways in which we overtly and subtly perpetuate noninclusive spaces • Gain the skills necessary to sh ow up as an authentically and create inclusive spaces There will be two separate sessions: • One for Faculty/Staff • One for Students. Ea ch session is broken up over two lunch hours: • Faculty and Staff Traini ng Session o Monday\, October 12th from 12-1 P.M. (Part 1) o Tuesday\, October 13th from 12-1 P.M. (Part 2) • Student Training Session o Wedne sday\, October 14th from 12-1 P.M. (Part 1) o Thursday\, October 15th o f rom 12-1 P.M. (Part 2) Please use the following Zoom Meeting Link to jo in us: NER2UT09 During the training we will observe some community rules and g uidelines for participation: • Vegas Rule: What’s said here stays here an d what’s learned here can be shared out • Listen respectfully\, share air time\, and encourage others to participate • Challenge ideas\, not peopl e • Make I statements • Challenge by choice • Push yourself outside of your comfort zone – most learning happens when we are uncomfortable • It’ s ok for us all to be at different places with the things we discuss durin g the training • Show Aloha/Respect for one another’s beliefs\, values\, experiences\, and being • Please mute your mic and don’t talk over or cu t anyone off • If you have a question\, share them via the chat so we can pose them to the group Additional events occurring during HPU’s PRIDE Celebration (Oct. 11th – Oct. 16th) : • Sunday\, October 11th o Nationa l Coming Out Day (All Day) o PRIDE Illumination of the Aloha Tower (All N ight) o PRIDE Photobooth and Celebration presented by Community Advisors (HLC) • Monday\, October 11th – 16th o Diversity Wall at the Student Li fe office (ATM)  Check out our diversity wall featuring LGBTQ+ advocates \, entertainers\, and artists to name a few.  Grab a can of juice to enj oy during your visit (9 am-4 pm daily) • Tuesday\, October 12th o Speak Out Panel (4 – 5:30 pm)  Coming out narratives featuring faculty\, staf f\, and alumni o Let’s Discuss… PRIDE Celebration presented by Student Go vernment Association @5:30pm  Opportunity to continue the discussion t o share your thoughts and feelings with fellow students regarding the Spea k Out Panel • Friday\, October 16th o Life is a Drag presented by Studen t Activities (4 – 5:30 pm)  Performers share their journey in Drag\, th e history and tips/tricks all learned through their personal experience (v irtual presentation) If you have any questions\, please feel free to re ach out at or 808-544-0276. Thank you and I look forward to having you join us in creating a more tolerant and inclusive HPU communit BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Pacific/Honolulu BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:-1000 TZOFFSETTO:-1000 TZNAME:HST DTSTART:19700308T020000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=3;BYDAY=2SU END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:-1000 TZOFFSETTO:-1000 TZNAME:HST DTSTART:19701101T020000 RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=11;BYDAY=1SU END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20201012T120000 DTEND:20201015T130000 DTSTAMP:20250228T040031 UID:05f362ac43e3bae35f87108277d44c5c CREATED:20201007T160357 DESCRIPTION:Aloha Sharks! As part of LGBTQ+ Month and HPU's PRIDE Celeb ration\, Title IX Office invites you to participate in our Safe Zone/Ally Training. The training provides the skills\, knowledge\, and resources nec essary to create a safer\, more welcoming\, and inclusive campus environme nt. The opportunity to engage in dialogue will strengthen our community an d encourage a supportive network of students\, faculty\, and staff for tho se in the LGBTQ+ community. Participants will: • Learn about issues t hat face the LGBTQ+ community • Understand ways in which we overtly and subtly perpetuate noninclusive spaces • Gain the skills necessary to sho w up as an authentically and create inclusive spaces There will be two separate sessions: • One for Faculty/Staff • One for Students. Eac h session is broken up over two lunch hours: • Faculty and Staff Trainin g Session o Monday\, October 12th from 12-1 P.M. (Part 1) o Tuesday\, O ctober 13th from 12-1 P.M. (Part 2) • Student Training Session o Wednes day\, October 14th from 12-1 P.M. (Part 1) o Thursday\, October 15th o fr om 12-1 P.M. (Part 2) Please use the following Zoom Meeting Link to joi n us: ER2UT09 During the training we will observe some community rules and gu idelines for participation: • Vegas Rule: What's said here stays here and what's learned here can be shared out • Listen respectfully\, share air time\, and encourage others to participate • Challenge ideas\, not people • Make I statements • Challenge by choice • Push yourself outside of y our comfort zone – most learning happens when we are uncomfortable • It's ok for us all to be at different places with the things we discuss during the training • Show Aloha/Respect for one another's beliefs\, values\, e xperiences\, and being • Please mute your mic and don't talk over or cut anyone off • If you have a question\, share them via the chat so we can pose them to the group Additional events occurring during HPU's PRIDE C elebration (Oct. 11th – Oct. 16th) : • Sunday\, October 11th o National Coming Out Day (All Day) o PRIDE Illumination of the Aloha Tower (All Ni ght) o PRIDE Photobooth and Celebration presented by Community Advisors ( HLC) • Monday\, October 11th – 16th o Diversity Wall at the Student Lif e office (ATM)  Check out our diversity wall featuring LGBTQ+ advocates\ , entertainers\, and artists to name a few.  Grab a can of juice to enjo y during your visit (9 am-4 pm daily) • Tuesday\, October 12th o Speak Out Panel (4 – 5:30 pm)  Coming out narratives featuring faculty\, staff \, and alumni o Let's Discuss… PRIDE Celebration presented by Student Gov ernment Association @5:30pm  Opportunity to continue the discussion to share your thoughts and feelings with fellow students regarding the Speak Out Panel • Friday\, October 16th o Life is a Drag presented by Student Activities (4 – 5:30 pm)  Performers share their journey in Drag\, the history and tips/tricks all learned through their personal experience (vi rtual presentation) If you have any questions\, please feel free to rea ch out at or 808-544-0276. Thank you and I look forward to having you join us in creating a more tolerant and inclusive HPU community LAST-MODIFIED:20201007T160357 LOCATION:Zoom SEQUENCE:0 STATUS:CONFIRMED SUMMARY:Safe Zone Training TRANSP:OPAQUE END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20201012T120000 DTEND:20201015T130000 DTSTAMP:20250228T040031 UID:05f362ac43e3bae35f87108277d44c5c CREATED:20201007T160357 DESCRIPTION:Aloha Sharks! As part of LGBTQ+ Month and HPU's PRIDE Celeb ration\, Title IX Office invites you to participate in our Safe Zone/Ally Training. The training provides the skills\, knowledge\, and resources nec essary to create a safer\, more welcoming\, and inclusive campus environme nt. The opportunity to engage in dialogue will strengthen our community an d encourage a supportive network of students\, faculty\, and staff for tho se in the LGBTQ+ community. Participants will: • Learn about issues t hat face the LGBTQ+ community • Understand ways in which we overtly and subtly perpetuate noninclusive spaces • Gain the skills necessary to sho w up as an authentically and create inclusive spaces There will be two separate sessions: • One for Faculty/Staff • One for Students. Eac h session is broken up over two lunch hours: • Faculty and Staff Trainin g Session o Monday\, October 12th from 12-1 P.M. (Part 1) o Tuesday\, O ctober 13th from 12-1 P.M. (Part 2) • Student Training Session o Wednes day\, October 14th from 12-1 P.M. (Part 1) o Thursday\, October 15th o fr om 12-1 P.M. (Part 2) Please use the following Zoom Meeting Link to joi n us: ER2UT09 During the training we will observe some community rules and gu idelines for participation: • Vegas Rule: What's said here stays here and what's learned here can be shared out • Listen respectfully\, share air time\, and encourage others to participate • Challenge ideas\, not people • Make I statements • Challenge by choice • Push yourself outside of y our comfort zone – most learning happens when we are uncomfortable • It's ok for us all to be at different places with the things we discuss during the training • Show Aloha/Respect for one another's beliefs\, values\, e xperiences\, and being • Please mute your mic and don't talk over or cut anyone off • If you have a question\, share them via the chat so we can pose them to the group Additional events occurring during HPU's PRIDE C elebration (Oct. 11th – Oct. 16th) : • Sunday\, October 11th o National Coming Out Day (All Day) o PRIDE Illumination of the Aloha Tower (All Ni ght) o PRIDE Photobooth and Celebration presented by Community Advisors ( HLC) • Monday\, October 11th – 16th o Diversity Wall at the Student Lif e office (ATM)  Check out our diversity wall featuring LGBTQ+ advocates\ , entertainers\, and artists to name a few.  Grab a can of juice to enjo y during your visit (9 am-4 pm daily) • Tuesday\, October 12th o Speak Out Panel (4 – 5:30 pm)  Coming out narratives featuring faculty\, staff \, and alumni o Let's Discuss… PRIDE Celebration presented by Student Gov ernment Association @5:30pm  Opportunity to continue the discussion to share your thoughts and feelings with fellow students regarding the Speak Out Panel • Friday\, October 16th o Life is a Drag presented by Student Activities (4 – 5:30 pm)  Performers share their journey in Drag\, the history and tips/tricks all learned through their personal experience (vi rtual presentation) If you have any questions\, please feel free to rea ch out at or 808-544-0276. Thank you and I look forward to having you join us in creating a more tolerant and inclusive HPU community LAST-MODIFIED:20201007T160357 LOCATION:Zoom SEQUENCE:0 STATUS:CONFIRMED SUMMARY:Safe Zone Training TRANSP:OPAQUE END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR #