Hawaii Spotlight: Pidgin


Hawaii Spotlight: Pidgin

October 07, 2020

03:30 PM - 04:30 PM


Office of Student Activities, studentlife@hpu.edu

Hawai‘i Spotlight presents “Pidgin.” Try come, try wait, try learn more about this unique language that started here in Hawai‘i. Lee Tonouchi, aka Da Pidgin Guerrilla, and Dr. Micheline Soong, Associate Professor of Comparative Literature, will take us through the history and culture of the pidgin language. Join them and learn a few words and phrases!

Wednesday, October 7th
3:30pm – 4:30pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 863 7094 5987
Passcode: 706407

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Meeting ID: 863 7094 5987
Passcode: 706407

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kJZI0vt07

Das why you learn all kine stuffs wen you stay college! “You’ll learn all types of things while in college.”

Questions? Email studentlife@hpu.edu

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