Constitution Day Presentation Hosted by SGA


Constitution Day Presentation Hosted by SGA

September 17, 2020

02:30 PM - 03:30 PM


Student Government Association,,

In celebration of Constitution Day, the Student Government Association (SGA) is hosting a presentation on Thursday, September 17th from 2:30 pm-3:30 pm via Zoom. As an election year this year, it is important for students to understand the Constitution, civil rights, and liberties. SGA is partnering with the College of Liberal Arts and is honored to have faculty guest speakers, Dr. Jon Davidann and Dr. Yong Jae Kim, facilitating this event. All student attendees will receive a voucher to Teapresso at ATM (funded by the Student Activity Fee).

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Meeting ID: 865 3994 2223
Passcode: 860396

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