Virtual HPU: The Ultimate Way to Spin Balance in Life: A Primer from a World Champion Flying Disc Competitor


Virtual HPU: The Ultimate Way to Spin Balance in Life: A Primer from a World Champion Flying Disc Competitor

April 29, 2020

02:00 PM - 03:00 PM


Zach Mason,

From college to graduate school, playing Frisbee(c) flying disc sports has been a way that I've found sustainability to study, work, and eventually keep grounded for the past 35+ years. Curious about how a simple plastic disc can be a part of your life? Then join me for a little story-telling and question/answer session about how I went from a sophomore in college who enjoyed street frisbee to a world-champion overall disc player (while finishing college, two grad degrees and being a clinical social worker and professor of HPU)! -Lori Daniels


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