Welcome Week


Welcome Week

August 26, 2019 - August 30, 2019

11:00 AM - 10:00 PM


Office of Student Activities, 808-544-0277, www.hpu.edu/welcomeweek, studentlife@hpu.edu

Join us for an exciting week of events at Aloha Tower Marketplace and Downtown Campus! FREE for students 

Monday, August 26

  • 11:00am-1:00pm We Care Fair our WelcomeLunch in the Atrium at Aloha Tower Marketplace. The Office of Student Activities invites different organizations throughout the community to share information that will empower students with the knowledge and skills as they pertain to various areas of safety and Safety Resource. FREE lunch with current student ID and completed stamp required, while supplies last.


Tuesday, August 27

  • 11:30am – 12:30 pm Got Grindz: Hangry 101 – How to last the day! Quick, easy, and cheap meals on the go. Join the Office of Student Activities for hands on tasty treat to help you beat your hangriness in MPR 4 at Aloha Tower Marketplace.
  • 4:30-6:30pm Campus Activities Board (CAB) and Student Government Association (SGA) Open House – Sharks come and find where we are at in Aloha Tower Marketplace! Free boba milk tea on us if you can find us, while supplies last


Thursday, August 29

  • 9:00-11:00am: Coffee with a Librarian - Join the HPU Librarians in our new downtown location at Waterfront Plaza WP6-302 for some coffee or tea and a good chat. Librarians will answer your questions and spill the beans on great resources and services available to you. We can show you around the library, let you know how to access resources off campus, or provide random coffee trivia. 


Friday, August 30

  • 2:30-5:30pm: Bookstore Game Night Friday! Come down to the Bookstore at Aloha Tower Marketplace for games, refreshments, and a prize drawing every 15 minutes for a t-shirt!
  • 6:00-10:00pm: Pa‘ina at the Pier at Aloha Tower Marketplace – Presented by Campus Activities Board, this welcome (back) concert will feature an opening act and headliner. Don’t miss out on this annual event!

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