Business Law Seminar


Business Law Seminar

April 16, 2019

06:00 PM - 08:30 PM


We have a great line up of distinguished guests who will deliver legal topics of relevance and significant interest to all, including:

• Structuring your company and where to form your business
• Fundraising and Securities Laws with special focus on crowd funding
• Business Risks and Business Ethics - hot buttons in today's society, with examples on common problems in Hawaii, the U.S., and other foreign transactions.

Opening and closing remarks by Honorable CJ Recktenwald to include important topics on Hawaii's legal and judicial system.

Q&A follows as a great opportunity for you to ask our experts!  Guest panels include Mr. Dick Mosher and Mr. Gregory Kim.  Panel speaking engagement schedule: 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm

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