Welcome Week Spring 2019


Welcome Week Spring 2019

January 14, 2019 - January 19, 2019

12:00 AM - 12:00 AM


Office of Student Activities, studentlife@hpu.edu

Join us for an exciting week of events at Aloha Tower Marketplace, Downtown Campus, and Hawaii Loa Campus!

Monday, January 14th

11:30am Welcome Lunch – Grab your FREE lunch, meet new friends, and play a game of Connect 4 or Giant Jenga on the Front Lanai at HLC or the Atrium at Aloha Tower Marketplace. Current and valid student ID required, while supplies last.

Tuesday, January 15th

6:00-8:30pm Fortnite Tournament at the eSports Arena – Free entry for 5 rounds. Winner based on point system, most points wins a prize!

Wednesday, January 16th

10:00am-11:00am Securing Your Summer Internship in the Career Development Center Conference Room (UB Ground Floor) – We will discuss the importance of planning as well as tips and tools on how to secure your internship for the summer.

3:00-5:00pm Ice Cream Float Bar at the CAB/SGA office at ATM – Join your Student Government Association in their office at ATM for an ice cream float! Meet your student representatives and find out how they work for you! Learn more about the leadership opportunities available as well.  Current and valid student ID required, while supplies last.

Friday, January 18th 

10:00am-2:00pm Intercultural Day featuring Club Carnival – Celebrate our diversity by enjoying free cultural performances and booths. New and returning student clubs will be sharing their mission and recruit new members. FREE LUNCH for students who complete a stamp card, with valid HPU ID – while supplies last!

2:00-5:00pm Barnes & Noble Bookstore Game Night at ATM – Come down to the bookstore for games, prizes, and refreshments.

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