'Ohana Fall Feast
November 22, 2018
12:00 PM - 02:00 PM
On Thursday, November 22nd, the Student Government Association and Campus Activities Board will be co-hosting HPU’s Annual 'Ohana Fall Feast, formerly known as Thanksgiving Luncheon.
This festive event will be held at Aloha Tower Marketplace. A non-denominational service (attendance is optional) will be held at 11:30 am in the Center Atrium. Check in for the meal will begin at 12:00 pm in Multipurpose Room 3. The luncheon service is from 12 pm to 2 pm. Students are $5. Faculty, staff, and guests are $20. Seating is limited so
HPU’s Annual 'Ohana Fall Feast is made possible by the Student Activity Fee.
Campus Activities Board, cab@my.hpu.edu & Student Government Association, sga@my.hpu.edu
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