College of Liberal Arts Research Talk: Sex, Spies, and Toilet Paper
November 07, 2018
03:05 PM - 04:05 PM
MP 243
The College of Liberal Arts' Fall 2018 Research Talk "Sex, Spies, and Toilet Paper: Two English Professors Talk about Men, Women, & Intimacy" will take place at 3:05 – 4:05 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 7, MP 243.
Dr. Deborah Ross will present a version of her paper “Phillis’s Foul Linen: Sexual Disgust at the Turn of the Eighteenth Century,” first given at the Skepsi Conference on Disgust at the Å·ÃÀAƬ of Kent, Canterbury, England in 2015.
Dr. Laurie Leach will present her paper "You and I Were Never Really Married.’: Role Playing and Intimacy in Fox’s The Americans," which will be given this November at the Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association, Western Washington Å·ÃÀAƬ, Bellingham, Washington.
This event is co-sponsored by the College of Liberal Arts and the Scholarship & Learning Resources Committee of the Faculty Assembly. There will be light refreshments. For further information, contact Dr. Angela Gili at, 808-544-0293
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