Hawai‘i Spotlight - Papahana Kuaola


Hawai‘i Spotlight - Papahana Kuaola

March 17, 2018

09:00 AM - 12:00 PM

46-403 Haiku Rd Kaneohe, HI 96744

Come out and help Papahana Kuaola restore Ha‘iku stream and see the different native species that once thrived in this area versus the introduced species that repopulated Ha‘iku stream.

Papahana Kuaola is a non-profit organization located in Waipao, Heʻeia, Koʻolaupoko, Oʻahu. The property covers an area of 63 acres reaching from the right side of Haʻikū valley floor, up the north side of the valley wall and extending slightly into the next valley of ʻIolekaʻa. Their mission is to create quality educational programs focused on environmental restoration and economic sustainability fully integrated with Hawaiian knowledge in order to exemplify a lifestyle respectful of kānaka (person), ʻāina (land), and ākua (god/goddess).


Lunch will be served at Papahana Kuaola. Reservations are required, visit the  page to complete your reservation form.

Bus transportation is provided:
Pick up at Aloha Tower Marketplace at 8:00am
Pick up at Hawaii Loa Campus at 8:30am
Please arrive at least 10 minutes prior to departure time.

For more information or questions email studentlife@hpu.edu

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