Mark Rosenbaum.
HPU College of Business Dean Mark S. Rosenbaum, Ph.D. was recently ranked the number one research author in world by concerning transformative service research (TSR). Rosenbaum was chosen from a group of 444 research authors spanning the globe.
“The SciVal ranking is an honor; yet everyone on the ranking is working towards a common goal—to improve our planet via services,” said Rosenbaum. “Today, I may be ranked as number one, and if I'm surpassed by others in the very near future I would welcome that, too. Regardless of a ranking, we can all engage in purposeful research by looking at services and improving them.”
Rosenbaum defines TSR as research that impacts the human condition via service delivery, service design, and service networks. Services dominate our daily lives and existence. From the minute we wake up, we consume services, such as water, electricity, and roads. Lives depend on the internet and on connectivity to digital services. America’s GDP is predominantly services, and our occupations are inherently service based. Thus, if we improve service delivery, design, and networks, we resultantly will improve the human condition.
The origins of TSR stem from a group of services researchers coming together in 2013 to define the new paradigm within the services domain. Rosenbaum was one of the researchers.
“I have had the opportunity to explore how services such as diners, gyms, cancer centers, and shopping centers can all enhance the lives of others,” says Rosembaum, “and I have had the ability to consult around the world in places such as Cambodia, Nepal, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Romania, and Colombia. The ranking represents years of research and of consulting, all to understand the role of services in our lives and experiences. ”
Rosenbaum joined HPU in 2021 with the aim to pivot the HPU College of Business to a skills-based learning experience. He quickly developed new partnerships to begin the College’s transition to skills-based learning. He serves as co-editor of the Journal of Services Marketing, an associate editor for the Journal of Business Research and the Service Industries Journal, and an editorial board member of several services and travel related journals. Rosenbaum is active in publishing research and participating in conferences, most recently representing HPU at the 2023 AACSB Deans Conference in Texas.